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My girls tank !

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Heres some photos of my 1 foot girls tank, it has 6 females from my spawn that live happily in it and 1 mystery snail that wont open up =/ (maybe its dead) ! I have DIY Co2 but its on an airstone so im not sure how effective it is :(

started like this

I had to remove the driftwood because the PH got way to high and it started to burn my java fern, fish didnt care tho luckily !

After the melb fish fare i got so much anubis and big clumps of java fern for all up $20

Plant list is floating watersprite (it spoils the look i think but the fish LOVE it), Java fern, 3 types of Anubias small, fat and skinny leaves and one java moss rock.

my plan is to add some riccia covered pebbles (2large clumps for $8!!!!!!) but im not sure how that will go hehe and also going to add a bristlenose

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Wow ... looks great! I love the plants, it is so much fun watching all the fish swim around in it, much more interesting than a bare tank.

My mystery snails all laid around as well, but now I cant see any of them, so I guess they are of and away amongst the plants.


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my mystery snails found some comfy looking holes and just kinda sit there :P

Bristlenoese i find are really messy, they poop everywhere and it looks yucky.

good luck with the Riccia! I had some too and it got waaay too fiddly X__X gave up in the end, but i'll try again eventually..

your tanks look really great!

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Thanks everyone :D the photo doesnt do it justice its so lush and green!!

This is my first time keeping bristlenose's so ill see how it goes :D yea ive read riccia can be hard ill give it a shot and then just leave it to float in my spawn tank if all else fails

I actually have no idea how many litres it is ... >.<

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Wow! That's such a big difference! Well done!

Is that a power filter? If it has a venturi inlet you could put your CO2 in there and it will help disperse the gas better than the airstone. If it doesn't have a venturi maybe you can place the CO2 tube close enough to the filter so that it sucks up the bubble and then disperses it.

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Nice tank.....

but I don't understand the comment on the driftwood...sending Ph too high???

If anything it would lower Ph!

Sure it's not the substrate???

Looks like calcium carbonate?

Apology if it's play sand

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Neffy, it looks like your girls are going to be very happy,

it looks great.

I would keep an eye on the snails eyes(no pun intended)

my girls I or should I say have,

have had the bad habit of eating them and they don't live long after thatblink.gif

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oh ok, maybe it wasnt the driftwood. It wasnt the sand (im fairly sure), when i got the substrate i picked the wrong one at first i was going to get beach sand with crushed up shells lol !! the lady that served me pointed it out and then helped me pick some that wouldnt send the ph high.

So now im unsure what it was, its ok now however ! But it used to read the highest on the high ph chart, i just did gradual water changes to lower it. But now im a little bit worried so ill test it when i get home, i dont reguarly test it.

My filter has little vents in it that might be able to force the air pipe in it might get squished and blocked tho 0.o i can look into it ! the airstone does sit next to it so maybe it has been getting sucked in!

I hope this tank does well im a bit of a noob when it comes to it ! when i was putting in my new plants yesterday the burnt java fern had quite a few new leaves (itd been a month or too since it was burnt) so i take it as a good sign !

The snail opened up a small gap but was still pretty much in his shell ! I hope his eyes dont get eaten :(

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  • 2 months later...

This tank got filthy beyond belif after getting 2 bristlenoses so i pulled it apart and got most of the poops out bristlenoses sure do make a mess D= also added 4 runts that arnt so runty anymore that im keeping untill my BFs mum is back from holiday

stock: 10 female betta 2 albino shortfin bristlenose

so here it is now + some golden vine wood u cant really see anymore :(

I feel like i need something at the very back behind the javafern any suggestions ? i copied down the text on the lights (case) voltage: 230-240v / 50hz, watt: 20w (bulb) 1500k, tri powerd light

its all mumbojumbo to me i got the light with my barraks haha

+ some of the girls




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I'm not sure how much water the tank holds but 20w is fine for low light. 1500k refers to the Kelvin rating, 1500k is.. not great. It's late and my brain isn't cooperating but a 'Daylight' or around 5000k bulb will do a better job.

For a stem plant in the back you'll probably need something pretty easy. Most Hygros, Wisteria, maybe Valisneria.

I like the first girl. :)

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Beautiful work on the tank Neffy! Your girls look really happy. Glad I read this topic, as I was thinking of doing something similar with having bristlenoses as a cleanup crew. Now thinking of some chinese algae eaters instead...

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hmm yea some hygros will probably work best i can trim and replant it compared to Val which would just grow too tall and i dont know if u can trim it as well ?, ill probably get a new light later down the track.

Thanks sarah ! yea i do collect pink fish hehe these girls where all breed by me however :D

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yea everything is tied to wood or rocks currently i suppose i could always pot them, or get a bigger tank and just relocate everything from this one and getting a good substrate i was thinking of Eco-Complete or the one u mentioned in your low light thread it just depends what they have at the few stores ill be visiting.

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Yes I knew you bred those fish, as I remember seeing the logs. Wonderful!

Sorry I'm not much of a help, I'm not really and good at all with live plants. I stick to silk or extra soft plastic.. though I know live are much better for fish with the filtration, etc. Good luck! I think the tank looks excellent anyways. I would not be touching it any more. Maybe a nice tall plant or two at the back in the center?

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