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Who is breeding?


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Was wondering who is breeding fish other then bettas?

I am not breeding anything. I wouldn't mind some community fish they will breed on their own, livebearers etc. It is just that with winter everything slows down to a halt.

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I'm not allowed to breed, my parents say they're to young to be grandparents :P :P

but as for any other fish, the only things we're breeding right now are goldfish, who are doing pretty well when left to their own devices :P I want to try breeding cories tho, that would be fun

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It has been so long since I bred Guppies!!

I had a pair of Bristlenose, but about a month ago they disappeared! I know they can be touchy with water changes and well, with the horrible water here lately I suppose it could of been the reason as no other fish were affected.

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aww thats a shame, but i didn't know they were sensitive to water changes, i just assumed they were pretty hardly little fellas.

my poor bristlenose, they always get thought of last in terms of water quality and conditions :P they're the cleanup crew (along with the many varieties of snails ) :P

i just allow the guppies to breed as they like in a big tank of their own, i just pick out any newborn fry as i see them and stick them in some breeding nets so they don't get eaten. i'm loving how easy it is to feed the fry too, will minch on just about anything :P

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Ohhhh Mishy had some endlers. Abbey too I think. Good luck with breeding them. I haven't seen any around for ages. I do spot some hybrids in the Aquarium on occasion, way over priced.

*Sits up Straight* Orange swordies are still lovely! I really miss the livebearers.

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Hmm... yeah I have some hybrid endler things :) .... Sorry, I've got a thing against hybrids and try not to encourage them breeding. Kept a few of the good looking males, the rest I gave away or culled. Wasn't happy when i discovered I'd been had. :D

Contemplating breeding thomasi's...maybe some peppermints. Only thing going at the moment is apple snails :P

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Nar i'm not breeding anything anymore. I downgraded to one huge tank, or that may of been upgraded. Decided to focus on doing a nice commuity planted tank. I wouldnt mind it if my congo tetras decided to breed, but i only have males so that makes it abit hard :D

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Bayfish have assorted swords at the moment http://www.bayfish.com.au/category28_1.htm

You could always ask your LFS who they deal with, it is usually Bayfish or Aquarium Industries. Ask to have a look at their lists ;) Some don't let you look (since you get a look at the wholesale price) and some will look on behalf of you :P

If I am after a particular species, I look up bayfish and decide and then call up for a price at my LFS. My LFS are pretty good as they do not order through bayfish usually, but will order in for those who request it. It sometimes takes a week or 2 at the most to get them. I also like to compare prices between wholesalers as some are more pricier then others at times. They try to be competetive and keep the prices around the same I guess.

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GREEN swordtails? HULLO! any chance of some pictures?

Nope :rant:

Buggars move around too much for me to sit there and take pics. I can try.. but no promises.

Just imagine a normal sword, with a bright green neon stripe from snout to end of tail, along the black.

At the moment, they looking like mostly females.

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I can understand the no artificial light a little bit. I have two betta tanks which sit in front of a window that gets indirect light. Actually I'm not sure if any sun streams in at all. I only just set them up and I haven't been home to see what happens. But in the early morning before I go to work with the dim light of dawn peeking over the very tall house next door. They look really, really nice. Then I feel annoyed that I have to go to work. Maybe not such a good start to the day after all. Might have to reconsider my morning routine. :-)

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