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Hi my names Samantha and i have an addiction. i can't stop getting more siamese fighting fish! <_< My collection is growing rapidly and I am always on the look out for something new or unusual. :blink: am currently looking out for super deltas....

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Blue/marble CT girls and one pair (pastel blue with red fringe pair, the others are all shades of pastel and blue some bi-coloured, some tri-coloured, some spotty). Young pair of DT CT red/blacks. In two months I'll have a tonne more DT CT and ord CT red blacks and also have some Dayak CT males.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am actually on the look ut for some deltas and super deltas if anyone knows of any...


Hi there, Understand that you are looking for super delta/hm? Have some to give away but you have to arrange for the transport. BTW, I;m from Penang,Malaysia.

Before I forget, Welcome to AusAqua.

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