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Hi just a quick thread about myself. Currently keep mostly catties and africans but have a passion for bettas and planning on the not too distant future to get some more. I live in Cooroy west of Noosa found out about this site through a link. Few people here might know me from quite a few years ago when I was p[resident of the sunshine coast aquarium society and a member of the qld cichid society have been heeping and breeding fish since I was 5 now am 33 married with 3 kids. Any way that's about it. Cheers Brad.

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hey guys thaks for the welcome someone lea we have crossed paths a couple of times through a friend called karen from rocky used to be heavily involved in the society scenes a couple of years ago know but don't really have enough time these days to get to them anymore.

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Hi Brad, welcome! Cats & cichlids; do you by any chance keep multipunctatus? :) Apart from the fancy bettas, we talk about wild bettas, goldfish, killifish, corycats, tetras, guppies in this forum. Pretty much anything that swims in peoples tanks really! Did I mention we talk about Killifish :goodo::):betta: Welcome again!

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