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"New Content" Isn't working

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I normally use the New Content button in the top right hand corner for viewing new threads/posts.

These past few days, it hasn't been working very well, sometimes it would tell me there aren't any new content available, when I can see clearly that there is via the board index.

Other times it won't delete threads I've read off the list, and keep saying it's new. And no, there weren't new posts - even when I clicked it a few times. I'm a bit OCD, so this greatly annoys me.

Also with the forums, say the "guppies" section for example, there won't be any new posts, but the icon is still blue. If I go into it, nothing.

Now I'm not sure how this works with other forums, but sometime ago I marked all forums on the board as read, so everything is normally grey, unless there is a new post.. so I guess you could say I never miss anything. embarrass.gif

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Not sure why it's not working for you. New content seems to work for me on all the devices that I browse the forum on (MacBook, iPad, iPhone, and the crappy work PC, shush about that).

Maybe you could try clearing out your browsing history, cookies and cache to see if it fixes itself. It could mean that everything will become unread but you could perhaps use the 'Todays active content' button to check the latest posts and then mark the board read after that.

Maybe I should stop procrastinating with the upgrade.

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I've tried that, but it seems to not be working both on the he computer, the Apple store, etc.

I'm on my iPod at the moment, so far so good, but we don't have wi-fi at home do I only ever use it if I can use

Somebody elses. :P

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No probs here.

Sometimes I confuse myself if I check out someone's profile and then click on the new content button... I know there are more unread topics, but it usually says no new content ... but that's because it's in the "members section" not the "forum section".

Perhaps you are sending out the wrong kind of electrical aura into the complex life force that is the world wide web. You need to take a moment, reboot and chill out. Calm the output frequencies! Peace :P

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Funny you should say it Paul. I got back from KL and had to attend a leadership/innovation/project management course for the week. Not really normal life at all ... Got brainwashed, but managed to avoid the group hug!!! Lol

It even all makes sense to me too now!!! Thank you!

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Sorry never got around to taking that screen shot earlier.


Says there is only one new content thread, yet there are many. Just annoying really, have been missing a lot of things lately. I've been looking at stuff if it's highlighted in boards, say "general discussion's" icon (as an example) will be blue, rather than grey... although that's been mucking up too, sometimes it stays grey, sometimes it won't go grey after everything has been read. Hope I made sense.

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Looking at that photo, a certain someone might say you're getting notifications for the thread that matters *lol*

Seriously though, that is so weird that you aren't seeing everything new. I hope things resolve soon, as it would annoy the you know what out of me!

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... but what about the OTHER threads this certain somebody posts? I might miss those! ohmy.gif

The few threads that do show as new have nothing in common as far as I can see. They aren't only showing threads from an individual, doesn't make a difference if I have posted previously in that topic or not.

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a tempory work arround to try might be to go into your settings - general settings - Search Settings and change "show me all new content since my last visit" -> "Show me all content i have not read". I started using it when i would visit but not check everything and then itd wipe all the threads because id "seen" them since i last visited.

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