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My Planted tank


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Hi Guys, lisa asked me for some pics, so i thought that i would post them here. Basically, it is 4 different Hygros, one amazon sword, some java moss, and some lilleopsis. It has $30 worth of plants, 40kg of riversand (bottom 20kg not washed, top 20kg washed), double fluros, no liquid ferts or co2, although i plan to implement both, and perhaps some better lighting soon.

This is the whole tank:

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And here are the plants, individually:

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The next 2 are the same plant, the second is a closeup. This plant has grown great, it was smaller than the other plants in the tank and is going wild:

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And one of the burrowing snails i got from Abbey:


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Mango, yes thats the sword that abbey had, i am looking after it till she sets up a bigger tank since she didnt have any space avaliable for it. Robbie, the 3rd plant is Hygrophyllia difformis, or Wisteria, it is really common, virtually every pet shops sells it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well with the DIY co2, the plants are doing so much better. I think having double fluros with proper plant tubes also pays a large part, i never had success with plants before when i was using ordinary tubes. Anyhow, the varigated hygrophylla is going mad, and i have cut up all the other plants and spread them all around :cheer:

Here is a pic with the var. Hygro, the main lot on the right has nerly reached the surface after being cut in half, and the tall pieces on the right are the cuttings from the top:

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And this one just shows the amazon sword, which is putting out some nice pink leaves :

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This one shows some wisteria cuttings that have taken really well, the main plants are reshooting also:

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Thanks Mango, the wisteria is just a hacked up bunch, my original bunch was getting tall so i thought i would make some cuttings and abbey suggested a Wisteria groundcover so i made little ones and they are all shooting, even the stem cuttings so i am happy ;) I have one bag of unwashed river sand, covered by one bag of washed riversand. Total around 50Kg in a 4ft so it is nice and thick, it holds onto plants well and they are easy to remove etc.

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Here is an updated picture. I have been pinching out tips (mostly taking cuttings) and spreading them around. I have not added any new plants since the beginning, i removed and chucked the lilliopsis after talking with abbey, it was starting to die and obvioulsy was going to die completely, abbeys suggestion, wisteria groundcover. All the cuttings took and are growing, i think i will cut them in half again and interplant to thicken the groundcover :whistling:

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Phil, The tank looks great! Remember, if you go on holidays, make sure someone is home to keep the lights on! or let it get natural light. I was away 4 days and my tank is in the dining room and Mr. here pulled the blinds down so it was in complete darkness and all the bottom leaves have come off every plant in the tank :yes::blush: What lighting are you using?

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Thanks guys, its really rough still :scared: I just use a double fluro with what i gather a plant growth tubes (just using the tubes that came in with the lights) Ah jess, just cut the tips off and re plant them :blink: No i dont vaccum the tank, there is no need as i want everything to stay in there for the plants, also, the substrate is river sand so the debris dont go below the surface as they would with gravel. I am using a DIY co2 system on it, i am happy with the grown, but am unsure if i want to start fertilising the plants as they may grow out of control lol. I created all of that above from 4 bunches of plants from the petshop!

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Phil, The tank looks great!

Remember, if you go on holidays, make sure someone is home to keep the lights on! or let it get natural light. I was away 4 days and my tank is in the dining room and Mr. here pulled the blinds down so it was in complete darkness and all the bottom leaves have come off every plant in the tank :blink:  :scared:

What lighting are you using?


Quick trip to bunning. buy some of those timer plug things. set for 12 hour days, and never worry bout turning lights on/off again :lol:

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We have them, but Mr. moved the only 2 timers around the house to make it as we were at home, mind you this was after I had left, and before he went away, so I had no idea. I am too lazy to turn my lights on & off each, thats why I have them also :scared:

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oh i'd at least add trace elements (iron, Pk) as what plants need to produce new growth is created by light, Co2 (a thiord trace element they need is carbon, which the Co2 provides), O2 (at night - when the growth actually happens) and trace elements, especially Iron. You may not need other fertiliser, esp in the water column, or you could get algae. But I have found that unless those elements (O2, Co2, light and trace elements) exist in the correct amounts, the plants can't take advantage of all the others. EG no point adding Co2 withot enough light or the plants can't photosynthesise so as to take advantage of the CO2; no point adding enough light if no Co2, no point adding Iron without enough light, etc...

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