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Here goes your neighbourhood . . .


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Hello everyone that i already know and hello to everyone that i haven't met yet! I am the irrepressible (and totally loopy) Tasmanian that certain people here have had the misfortune to meet! I know i'm supposed to answer a whole bunch of questions but i can only remember, like, two of them and i'm too *cough*lazy*cough* to go look at the post again, so to answer the two that i do remember, I used the Force to discover this place and and and I keep quite an assortment of pets - primarily fish. I have: a marine tank that currently has half a dozen janitor hermit crabs, a pencil urchin, a couple of starfish, pistol shrimps, a zillion other creepy crawlies that hitchhiked in on my live rock, a stenopis hyspidus (think i spelled it right, too lazy to check, but it's a coral banded boxing shrimp) umm, some snails and soon a few hippocampus barbouri shall be added along with some pyjama cardinals). a brackish water tank that has a mudskipper, a pantodon (freshwater butterfly) and a few assorted gobies (peacocks, bumblebees, desert, etc). about 8 small tanks devoted to my male bettas - and you CAN get other types, Mishy - have you forgotten my deltas already?, plus a tank that is soon to become an apisto tank - i only have a dwarf cockatoo atm but i plan to get some borelli's soon to keep him company. I also have a tank with my female bettas (2 veils, a crown and a delta), an eel, various cories (schwartzi, sterbai, rabauti, bronze, julii, habrosus . . . etc, etc), mostly platinum guppies with a few oddball mongrel red tuxedo / cobra green / platinums and a ginormous boy bristlenose. Somewhere i have a couple of epiplatys annulatus (clown killis) and hope soon to get some aphyosemion gardneri and australe (once again, too tired and lazy to check spelling) but this will depend on how much space I have in my tanks if and/or when the apisto tank happens. As far as other animals go . . . I have a cat and two hand reared birds - a hyperactive scaley breasted - musk cross lorikeet and a nanday conure. So, nice to meet all of you / catch up with some of you again, and there goes your neighbourhood =)

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Welcome Starwing. Hmm Star Wars. Time for some silly Yoda quotes then :D "Concentrate...feel the Force flow. Yes. Good. Calm, yes. Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future...the past. Old friends long gone." Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.... " "Size matters not! Judge me by my size, do you?" Ohh the list goes on :D Cheers, Pat.

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LOL @ Pat. I was recently sent an email where screen shots were pasted of the Revenge of the Sith with English subtitles which had been translated from an Asian language. Grammatical rules differing as they do between the languages, Yoda was the only character whose quotes sounded like he usually does. The funniest was when Anikin said the Jedi Council had discovered something he was doing, the subtitle read "I have just been made by the Presbyterian Church"!

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STARWING!!!! :):):):):cheer: Finally he posts! for those who havent heard yet, we're planning a raid on starwing's home in dec/jan for 2 weeks... (somehow we're incorporating camping in there) Wow.. your room seems to have more inhabitants than before!

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