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Everything posted by paul

  1. Lol Lachie... You might not want to try spawn the fellas... Maybe one of the fellas and the girl you bought. They look like "traditional plakats" ... I'm guessing they arent half moon?
  2. Well that would kinda make sense between Yan and Joan. Retail is roughly 2-3x wholesale. EDAS is wholesale price ($20-$40), Yan's work sells them at retail ($80).
  3. Funny you should say it Paul. I got back from KL and had to attend a leadership/innovation/project management course for the week. Not really normal life at all ... Got brainwashed, but managed to avoid the group hug!!! Lol It even all makes sense to me too now!!! Thank you!
  4. Not yet but it's a great idea... Except my coffee is tea coloured, just got poured onto ice and sounds alot like SCOTCH
  5. paul


    Sounds like you'll be making another custom barracks!
  6. No probs here. Sometimes I confuse myself if I check out someone's profile and then click on the new content button... I know there are more unread topics, but it usually says no new content ... but that's because it's in the "members section" not the "forum section". Perhaps you are sending out the wrong kind of electrical aura into the complex life force that is the world wide web. You need to take a moment, reboot and chill out. Calm the output frequencies! Peace :P
  7. Hi and welcome. Quite a few people on the forum will be able to give you pointers in the plant department, and not so far from you auburn aquarium has a pretty helpful and very knowledgable plant guy. He does almost all their display tanks, and if you're interested, I'm sure he'd be good to give you advice. There's a lot of stuff already on the forum, so feel free to look around and ask any questions of you get caught up. Welcome once again. Paul
  8. from the video it's clear the one to the right has tail splits... this is not a problem in itself, but might become an issue IF infection sets in. You don't want to buy a new fish and nurse it back to health from fin rot as soon as you bring it home. Worth thinking about. Both don't seem to flare very much, but the one on the left didn't seem to flare at all. Does it flare? can it reach HM?? Edit... BTW Ness, the salamander girl with the really broad dorsal... I've always thought she looked like a double tail, but with the one lobe (the lower one) SEVERELY underdeveloped - only really a tiny strand that sort of peeks out between the anal and the caudal... ????maybe????
  9. Welcome Jason! Quite a few of the betta freaks on here are also avid guppy fanatics. LOL. Everybody here is pretty nice, so kick back and enjoy. Sounds like you are planning some fairly intensive guppy breeding programs. Any particular goals in mind?
  10. You mean you don't want to be called Afro? LOL You might notice a bit of jealousy from me and the rest of the crew if you get the first pick of the imports - but it's alll just because we wish we had that kind of gig! Nice score Adam!!! you working at Coburg?
  11. Hi bettasplendors, just caught up with all the work you're carrying out on this project... massive! Looks like it's coming along well too. Just a little puzzled by the way you've cut it up. Why did you stagger the ends? Is there a plan to join it back together somehow?
  12. I'll call you Afro... It's kinda hard for us to give an opinion here... what we can each say is that "I prefer copper" vs "I prefer orange"... we would feel bad about critiquing somebody elses fish of they haven't asked for it, and... we can't really critique unless you get some really good pics of the fish flaring. One thing is clear though, they look cute... and you've got a tough choice ahead. Take your time looking at them. Check that they are healthy and active. That they flare at each other, and that they are free from disease or injury. Next look to make sure they are free from deformity, then look for good form. You will need to assess this with a little bit of time set aside... sometimes you see a fault that makes for an automatic disqualification, sometimes it's really hard!!! If you really want, think about breeding goals, before choosing your next fish (if you are to breed them). BTW, copper x orange dragon will probably yield a range of metallic steels to dragon with red (maybe some non-red) wash! Hope tha helps
  13. Hey Likoma, you mentioned the Poret foam in your intro post. Is it just another type of foam that is used as a filter medium? Do you have shares in the company? LOL
  14. paul


    Hey Lachlan, welcome to the forum. Yes you can keep betta in small tanks/jars over your other larger heated tanks, but this is not ideal. The size of each jar needs to be enough to keep the fish happy/healthy and the heating (although this set up is better than nothing) is not going to guarantee adequate warmth -especially with winter creeping up on us fairly quickly in Sydney. Welcome once again. Paul
  15. He's really quite impressive with those massive pectorals. I wonder if these extensions actually work to make swimming easier or harder for the little guys. I'm sure it's neither, or if it is, it's probably not a noticeable difference... but I just wonder.
  16. Sorry to jump into this thread like this... but did anyone else make a "pew-pew" noise as they read the last post? Welcome to the forum by the way! Lemme hazzard a guess... your favourite song might be....
  17. Hey Matt, been keeping a low profile on this topic coz Im essentially as sharp as a bowling ball when it comes to plants and aquascaping... But I just wonder if there's any way to improve the transition of bacteria that occurs when putting something from atmospheric conditions to underwater with less oxygen... And prevent the toxic awful anaerobic mess that occurs. Does seeding with "cycle" actually work in your experience????.... Coz I've tried to put beneficial bacteria into a bucket that had driftwood soaking in it and it still went putrid/stinky and I worried that I shouldn't put it in a tank. What else can you do to prevent this issue when using soil as tank substrate? Paul
  18. Yeah, Matt... I'm not sure the term "grooming" encompasses allowing them to be eaten by other fish! Oh well :P
  19. Cool to see the sprouting of little fins... but is it my computer that's playing up.... or did you film that in black and white and colour in the fry with a red/pink highlighter texta???
  20. paul

    Cute guppy

    Is she that see through "arctic" blue colour in real life? Can you buy guppies that colour? Seems you might have the beginings of your own line there!
  21. paul

    Tom from Sydney

    Welcome Tom! Good to see another Sydney-sider on deck. I'm sure you'll find that breeding bettas becomes easier if you prepare yourself and have enough information at hand to deal with the various stages of breeding. Have a good look through the articles and pinned topics in each of the forums. They're very helpful and will be worth your while going through before setting up a spawn. Just out of interest, where'd you get your bettas from? Not alot of places will stock HMPKs
  22. Hey Simon, the shrimp look really good. Tell me...what's with the inverted coke bottle?
  23. Oohhhh... And I thought maybe he was just happy to see you, Ness!
  24. paul

    Half Black Red Tails

    Hi Les, I'm impressed with a couple of things here : First: you seem to have improved your photography skills amazingly in a very short period. Lol! Second: you seem to have achieved a lot in a very short time with these guppies. Well done! That second picture... Is that a juvenile male currently, or is that what your males looked like before the selective breeding?
  25. Sorry to hear about no more little lotls. I'm sure you'll find a suitable replacement for the tank that'll keep you happier than the lotls could. Maybe you could get some of those mollies that your mum was so keen on *ducks for cover!* :P
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