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Garra Rufa / Doctor Fish


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Hi All,

Was hoping I could use someones expert assistance in how to purchase and import Garra Rufa / Doctor fish in a large quantity ( several thousand ). I have found some sources in Singapore / Malaysia who will sell these to me, but getting them into the country is up to me and I don't know where to start. I also don't know if there are better sources to get these fish from.

Even better yet - does anyone know if you can buy them in Australia?

Thanks in Advance for all your help!


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I dont know what type of fish they are but you could try reading this http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtop...t=0&start=0 and contacting Jodi-Lea

from the link

Other freshwater allowable fish:

$730 per box for 1 week fish (pro rata - so 1/4 box is 1/4 the price) eg cory catfish, pencil fish

$840 per box for 2 weeks fish (Cichlids and Gouramis) eg discus, apistogrammas

$1000 per box for gold fish (3 weeks quarantine and special health certificate required) eg ranchu, ryukin

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Both Garra Rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus (Doctor Fish) don't appear to be on the ICON database list as permitted for import into Australia - perhaps you can get more info on whether you can import them from AQIS - there is supposed to be a list of allowable imports but can't locate it at the moment.

They seem to be interesting fish in the therapeutic spa industry overseas - is that what you're wanting them for?

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You've hit the spot - I am looking at getting them to start a fish spa! You mentioned that I should contact AQIS to see if they are an allowable import. Do you know who I need to contact there? If they are not allowed, simply because noone has wanted to import them before, how difficult is it / time consuming to get them to approve the import?

Thanks and Regards

The Blade

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Just to clarify....I wouldn't have a problem with them nibbling on my skin...as long as I was first!

I have a problem that....in a spa they would of nibbled on someone elses first and are likely to spread disease....rather than cure the problem

but if others were prepared to to that risk for some relief of their problem....that's their call!

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Rod ... same issue with the use of medical leeches... maybe its a one off pool you get your fish and after that they are fishy fertiliser?

Blade... don't know who to contact... just ring the main number and they should get you to the right person I would hope.... The fees for 'testing' plant seeds can be quite high if they are not on the current allowable list - not sure what they do to 'test' a fish for suitability for import though - they would have to be sure that if it got loose in waterways it wouldn't kill off native species etc - that could be expensive to work out I would think. Call them though and ask the experts is the best advice I can give. Alternatively perhaps call your local fisheries department in your state too as they also have a list of banned fish probably.

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your help so far. So I have contact AQIS as was suggested, and before they can do anything, importation of the species first has to be approved by DEWHA. Only then will AQIS look at it. So DEWHA have their own list of allowed species. Essentially ammendment of the list has to be approved by federal parliament! A lot of hard work! But as they say, nothing worth doing was ever easy! I want to make this happen and am going to persevere.

FYI: They have a detailed procedure posted on the DEWHA website discussing what you need to do to get the list ammended so it doesn't look like I am the first one to do it. There's also no fee to get this done.

I need to ask you all for a little bit more help. I need to prepare a Draft Environmental Assessment report for importing the fish into Australia. This goes into a huge amount of detail. I'm the first to admit I don't know where to go to in order to get detailed information on Garra Rufa eg: fish behaviour, migratory behaviour etc.etc. Does anyone know where to best look?

Many Thanks

The Blade

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I love the concept of using fish to allow the pus to run, but, personally the fish spa idea sounds like a little bit of a joke to me. Just a bit too eccentric.

I have, however, seen both leeches and maggots used in medical treatments (yes...western/modern medicine). In these instances the animals can only be used on one patient. They are specifically bred in the abscence of direct human contact under fairly strict conditions to ensure they will not pass on human disease. This makes them quite expensive. Once used, they are then appropriately destroyed as "contaminated waste" - which costs a fortune. (A side note to make you queezy: leeches can be re-used on the same patient, but in order to make them hungry for another feed, they have to be forced to regurgitate the ingested blood by putting them in saline).

I could imagine that you would need to maintain very high/strict control measures to ensure that your fish can only be used on one patient/client (I guess that's why you need so many). I would also guess that you wont be able to mix the water of treatment sessions either, and, that the tubs/spas will need to be disinfected between clients. Will the disinfectant harm the fish?

Another hurdle you may find is that, if your going to market this as a "medical treatment" or "therapy", you may find the TGA become very interested in your practice - a potential medico-legal nightmare! They will shut you down if you are providing a "medical treatment" if its not an "approved" therapy. Be careful what you claim and make sure you do your research.

I think people like a little bit of eccentricity, and, I had heard someone mention fish manicures/pedicures carried out in some Asian countries earlier this month. If it all goes well, you may find yourself with a huge practice and very lucrative business. Good luck!

PS: if all goes well with imports, make sure you end up with the right species... I would hate to think of your insurance costs if you accidenatally brought in piranha's instead of Garra Rufa!!

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Well.... piranha's would offer a cure... just not the kind expected!!!

The article I read about these fish said that it's the hunger that drives them to do what they do - apparently if they are well fed they ignore human flesh. Might have an issue with animal rights people if there are starving fish as well. Maybe separate storage places for them and a fasting tank for those to be used next? Maybe they can be reused after a certain digestive and quarantine period?

Whatever the case - I'm sure Blade will have to look into plenty of details just to get them approved for import and then to use them will be another thing - knowing some people with psoriasis (sp?) its a @#$@ thing to have and anything that cures/relieves it would be worthwhile exploring at least.

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Hi All,

Just some quick feedback - there seem to be a lot of people who think this idea will not work / is strange / disgusting / people wouldn't want to do it etc.etc. I found out about this in Singapore and Malaysia and the fish spas are everywhere! Not only here, but they are now numerous in Europe (it started in Europe & Japan not S.E. Asia), and they are a tried and trusted concept by clients.

If you want to see some of this for yourself just search for fish spa on youtube.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi Blade,

I'm really really keen to hear how you are going with getting the Garra Rufa on the import allow list.

I'd also like to import the Garra Rufa fish into Australia. I'd be happy to help you in any way that I can - do let me know.



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