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Hello from Tammy


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Hello to all, I have always been fascinated by bettas and always kept 1 or 2 striking (pet shop) males around the house. I have finally decided to get serious with these little darlings and try my hand at spawning. As I am such a beginner I am not that fussy in tail types or colours although I am particularly taken with opaques and CT or DT. I am looking for some well bred males and females in the Perth area that I could buy and also any advise or contacts would be very much appreciated. Thats all from me folks, thanks from Tammy :)

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Hey Tammy! These fish are easy to spawn once you get the hang of it. Do be warned though, its ADDICTIVE! I only strted spawning mid last year... and i'm up to about my 6th successfuly hatched spawn (about my 13th successful spawn that ended in eggs, I just happen to attract eggeating males!) You should check out the CTs Lilli has. I don't know if anyone is shipping to Perth in the near future, but these fish would be ideal for you! opaque grizzled DT CTs :) WELCOME TO THE BOARDS!

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Hi Tammy.. Glad to see you here! :) Unfortunately all of mine are a tad small still. There are getting to be a few breeders in Perth now which is fantastic to see! Most of the interstate breeders are able to send fish to WA & to cover shipping costs its a good idea to see if anyone else in Perth is interested in sharing the costs with you. I've done quite a few shared freight shippings and they have all worked out great! I think someone (someone-Leigh) sends other sorts of fish to Perth too, so another option would be to ask if she has any shipments coming up that some bettas could hitch a ride in too. Lisa

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Hi Tammy.. Glad to see you here!  :notsure:

Unfortunately all of mine are a tad small still. There are getting to be a few breeders in Perth now which is fantastic to see! Most of the interstate breeders are able to send fish to WA & to cover shipping costs its a good idea to see if anyone else in Perth is interested in sharing the costs with you. I've done quite a few shared freight shippings and they have all worked out great! I think someone (someone-Leigh) sends other sorts of fish to Perth too, so another option would be to ask if she has any shipments coming up that some bettas could hitch a ride in too.



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Hey Guys, Thanks to all of you for your very warm welcomes and advise. This is my first ever chat room experience not to mention talking to like-minded betta lovers... so cheers my new mates. I will be sure to check out the site every day if I can (oops! there goes my productivity at work!) I am reading every book and checking out every site I cn find so who knows... Maybe I might be able help you guys one day! Thanks again.. you are all great! Tam

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Hi Tammy, Welcome to the site. Just replied to an email you sent us regarding fish to Perth. Just missed the last boat actually :notsure: But I'm sure more will go soon. But like has been mentioned sharing shipping is a good option. I'd try some of the Perth people first though. There are a few who already have great bettas. Pat.

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