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Hi all, its Collectively Cam....

Betta Collective

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:thumbs: I am most excited to learn of this forum and to see the obvious dedication that has been poured into its developement. I have not been involved with the fish for very long but those who know me call me Overkill Cam. One day a friend buys me three Bettas (my first fish ever) the next thing I have imported dozens of fish, have multi chamber split level fish tanks and spawning tanks everywhere and built a quarantine station in my garage. Breeding these little monsters has been a betta/sweet experience!! Having imported somewhere in the vacinity of eighty pairs I had only succesfully bred half a dozen spawn. I was buying the extreme of the extreme and suspect that a lot of these guys were a little too in bred and have lost the reproductive instinct. I have changed the type of fish that I am buying and from my last shipment I have four spawn already and suspect a few more on the way. I am currently concentrating on developing three HM lines. Red, Blue and Green/Gold. I have some pretty neat HM BF spawn and a Giant HM and a huge White Platinum HM spawn that I am pretty chuffed with. It is early days still for the Betta Collective but I am confident that not before too long I will have some established world class Aussie bred bettas to be proud of and look forward to sharing this experience with other forward thinking enthusiasts of these wonderful fish.

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Hi Cam, Welcome :( It's great to see familiar faces ;) Wow, I cannot believe you imported over 80 pairs :thumbs: No wonder you earned the title overkill came ;) Glad to hear you are having betta days with spawning. I would really like to see pictures of your setups and QT room!! and your Green/Gold bettas. Jess

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Hello Cam, glad you called in. Thank you for your kind words about the forum :thumbs::( (from the technophobe on the team who did bugger all, LOL! ). if you produce a green gold line I know someone who'd jump at the chance to own one! Your overkill instinct reminds me of someone - oh, that's right - ME!

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green and gold ..... no way. I've been trying to get a line of those myself. Would luv to see urs. I had only a small spawn when I started, and sadly they haven't really taken off. I got a red/gold boy and girl and then a green female and male, and a gold/green marble girl that was sooooo cute. but now the green male is just sitting there as he killed the only 2 suitable girls :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Cam Your story sounds very familiar, bought our first CT (green/gold BTW) at the Tsunami auctions January and now have over 50 fish and 4 spawns curently on the go (well 6 actually but 3 are in one tank see Disaster thread in Splendens area)- am SO glad to meet somebody even worse !! :P Your breeding sounds exciting- looking forward to the piccies (and sales of course) Cheers Deb (and Step)

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