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Which Bottom Feeder.. 60l Octagonal Tank


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Hi all, I went to strictly aquariums and purchased 3 cute yellow/orange platys and a snail, however I need to decide on a bottom feeder and how many Suggestions? i'd like something different to a BN this time for a change! So this is the tank so far: Java fern and gravel rocks and driftwood 1 swordtail 3 platys 1 male krib 1 snail Any other suggestions on anything else to put in would be great. I am hopeless, just walk up and down the shop and never end up choosing anything lol

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If you have a good filter, maybe 2 otos? I'm a huge fan of kuhlies :thumbs: how much floorspace does the tank have? could you fit 2 of those? If its just warm, not tropical, I've seen people get away with having hillstream loaches, but its not ideal.

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There are tons of loaches you can choose from, khulis are a favourite. I don't have a krib so I don't know which one would be the best. Pakistani loaches have caught my eye a few times, do a little research and see what you can come up with. What about an oto? They're nice. You'll need a couple.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a 60 or 80L octagonal tank always forget which size it is. Anyhow, Kuhlis are your best bet OR 4 cories - no more for that size octagonal. Maybe can squeeze in both. What fileter do you run on it? No more bottom fish in that tank IMO, too crowded otherwise <_<

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