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Medusa Roundtail...


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Check the gold picses website, if they have it I think (not 100%) that someone may be able to get them in... It may also be listed as galaxy, sometimes they are confused with each other, I know someone often carries a couple of tail types of the medusa.

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Oh no! I've just spent the past hour on Guppy Designer and now I'm hooked!!!! Help! Is it too late for me? My bank balance will never recover from a new obsession *lol*

Matt, got a link to that site? Ive googled "gold picses" and got nothing :)

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They will take over your house! To keep a line going for a long period of time and keeping the power to maintain multiple lines so they don't get inbred which results in smaller fish and deformities after a while... The minimum most sites suggest is 5... I just keep mine for display, don't have room to keep the quality up.

They don't have the round tail... Lots of amazing fish, make sure you check with someone though, I've never asked her, I've just been told by someone before, I may be COMPLETLY wrong.


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It's the curse of the artistic, we're distracted by pretty colours and sparkly things. If only I was more cerebral, I would be able to talk myself out of this madness instead of getting giddy about the possibility of painting with a new genetic paintbox *lol*

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lol i can raise a spawn of betta, breed african and most american cichlid species successfully BUT i have always killed my fancy guppys lmao are they a tad sensitive? I have kept ALOT of fish over the years including monster americans and dwarf cichlids, loaches, catfish, pleco.. and its guppys that have me stumped.. lol :alright:

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I've only kept pet store mutts before. Threw them in a tank and let them populate it. I know the fancy strains are more delicate, so will start off small and see how I go. Been told the short finned are slightly less finicky.

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I bought some black moscow before summer last year, Put them in an outdoor tank , viola, fry. Put them in a dedicated tank inside and GONE, maybe 1-2 left.:(( Fry still in outside tank and going well. I just dont know. :confused:

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Man I know your pain :alright: I dont stop thinking about them either. I started with 1 fish not that long ago, now I am converting my shed into a fish room. Tell me thats not OCD :rofl:

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I have to keep trying to remind myself that I will be going overseas for a month next march and the less fish I have, the easier it will be to get somebody to feed them...

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Hi Jarrod

I Love your choice to start with, but I am afraid that once you start there is no going back. I am off tomorow to get more tubs for the glass house so I can grow out more fry :dance: and then I have found a guy over hear who has some show stock but I have to arange a visit to buy some more AHHHHHHH.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Shadoh,that fish is one of my favourite guppies of all time.Pretty sure it was bred by Karen Koomans.

If it makes you feel less obsessed,I have 12 strains someone brought in for me........and I want more.

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Mate, I can see how easy it can be to end up with 12+ strains. Especially if I get it into my head to create my own strain, and believe me, the mad scientist gene runs rampant through my DNA. For now I must be strong. Mind you that resolve will probably get thrown out the window once the chance of painting with a new genetic pallette is presented to me ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, I just might do that. Thanks. I am waiting for my genetics books to arrive. Might have to make my own :D

In the meantime, can anyone tell me anything about tail genetics? There is plenty out there about colours and patterns, can't find out what happend when you cross tail type a with tail type b...

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