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changing colour


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Would it possible for you to post photos?

First thought - marble.

Marbles are lovely fish (although can be frustrating at times!), and do change their colour. As they age, it tends to slow down. :)

It COULD possibly be the lighting? You say your female is a rich purple, which makes me think royal blue. I've noticed my royal's look different depending on the lighting.

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loss of colour can be stress related

she is like this in all different tanks!

when moving her do you acclimitise her to the new water, is the different tanks water have different parametors to her old water?

Is she in with any other fish?

bright strong lights?

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The amazing thing about bettas is their ability to change colour rather rapidly depending on a whole host of factors. Stress, cold, illness, the colour and brightness of their surroundings can make them go pale. Interactions with other fish/flaring and getting a little amorous can make them darker. The cells in their skin that carry the colour can increase and reduce the amount of colour they express within seconds. Marble fish also change colour over time by changing the expression of the genes that produce colour.

If she looks well, I wouldn't worry!

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I was going to echo Yan's post - My fish - particularly multicolours or metallics, are often a pale version of themselves when they wake up, like they've turned off their metallics.

I think they'd also do this when they're threatened or not feeling well - makes sense to go cammo when you're under fire, no?

betta-fish-female-1.jpg v.s. betta_female_blue_120125c3_w0480.jpg

Part of me thinks it's the black they can turn on and off, as (in my mind) it's the black behind metallics that gives the iridescence it's luminosity.



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Betta experience a range of emotions, and while I'm no expert, I've done a bit of research into fishy point of view (to help me understand how to spawn them more efficiently)

And at best I can describe their "feelings" as states of being relevant to survival.

Jealousy, no - but threatened by competition - yes.

Stressed that another fish is in closer vicinity to a desired item or mate... etc.

But it sounds like her iridescence is just playing tricks on the eye - do some research into how the metallic blues actually work and you'll realize they aren't just shiny colours, they're an optical effect that makes the appear blue.. that's why it changes so often in different lighting setups.

I can shoot my royal blue girls (super blues) and they look steel/grey/turquoise in any given photo shoot.

(: so long as she's not stressed or sick, it's fine.


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stressed, yes of course...

if you put her in the same tank as a male, she'll probably freak out, breeding bars or not, she's sexually mature - sure, but her body language says she's scared.

I usually float my girls in the spawn tank for a week or two - feed her up in there, do all the conditioning, and also make sure there is a large almond leaf or something obscuring her vision so she can hide behind it.

they're fightin' fish- you plop them in a tank together and they'll fight or f...lirt, you have to de-sensitize them both so they aren't in fight mode.


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the thing is she is scared when in with him but when she is in her own tank looking at him she blows her own bubbles but then when i put her in she is so scared

at the momebt she swims under the bubble nest but then runs, my boyfriend told me thats good!

but now she swims towards him and when he sees her she moves away is this a good sign? im not sure this is the first time ive

tryed spawning

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when she shows stripes are they horisontal or vertical ?

Id suggest keeping her in a chimmney and let them get used to each other a bit more


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