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Amazing black angel aquascape tank


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Beautiful rocks collected rather illegally from the bottom of mt Bulla (do not recommend)

mostly because the boy i was dating at the time thought I was a nut job hauling back a green-bag full of rocks

I reasoned with him that the other alternative was he could be dating the kind of girl that liked "shopping" at jewellery stores

it didn't work out - he was totally mainstream.

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I was a bit concerned that the tea tree branches I used might have started crashing my ph - so Buffy insisted that I do a check - Haven't done a water change, but will do tomorrow... say 25%

God, angels are psycho without betta bouncers - they've started turning on eachother!

(I can't keep up) the big one was bashing buffy - so I removed it - bloody thing is floating around the sump of my barracks threatening all the breeding males (it's a boof head)

but now buffy is giving lacey the evil eye... I've planted out the tank a bit more so they can all hide and chill OUT... ugh - do I get more to keep the peace?

ANGELS they are NOT.

At least the carbonate hardness buffer is working - god bless Aquapix - it might be expensive but GODDAM it's good.

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With Angels I've found it the opposite of betta girls, you have to cull the jerks! Get 'em out, take 'em back, make them live solitary lives, etc. I added and added until my tank was full and the aggression only got worse (and was allowed to run like that for well over a month). Now I'm down to 2 breeding pairs in my discus tank and they're fine until they start breeding. It's really amusing watching an angel half the size of the boss discus chase him and all the others down the other end of the tank.

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I'm getting fed up i tells ya - little sh.... darlings.

MY FAVORITE IS THE MEANEST, and little lacey is my other favourite, at the bottom of the pecking order- and buffy is just a boof head.. GUH

They actually seem okay when I have my agro betta ladies all in the sorority mucking around, but EVERYONE is in quarantine while I figure out some weird mouth tumor thing that's going around (whole other story)

I'm about to jar my salamanders prematurely to accelerate growth - might just throw the angels back in the 3 foot and look away for a little while.

I couldn't bring myself to part with them!.... but more naughty fish, I think I just can't handle. Dilemma!

Maybe I'll just end up with little lacey darting around the tank... ugh FISH!

I think I'll go back to keeping horses.

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so, ness... working again from home I see?

Why yes me, why are you talking to me? you should just shut up and update the angelscape - you idiot.


The big one is about 15 cm from top of dorsal to base of anal fin - she was the monster mega aggressor, who killed lacey and bullied buffy... but now... is 2IC


Buffy is captain meanface and will probably need to be relocated... *sigh* i ruf buffeh


Got a teensy pair of Altums - they're EXPENSIVE YES! but they so ruvley.

IMG_5585.jpgIMG_5586.jpg this is how to avoid the camera if you're an angel fish


I'm over stocked at the moment - well, I will be when these dudes grow up... but I'll see if Neffster wants her psychotic black baby back... and probably have to loose one of the super black kids I bought - Subscape threw in a few extra so I sink i got too manys.

They're orright for the moment - need to get a good scaped shot, tank looks handsome.



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Jess- it's werid, Buff was second in charge and the big one was a meany pants

But as soon as I put more fush in Buffy just went MENTAL and got all psycho now that she had underlings.

Big one got all dopey with the social scene and just let it be, seeing as her psychotic Second Mate was doing all the yelling.

It'll be interesting to see what happens when I remove Bufflet.... must do that tonight when I get home - everyone's missing scales.

Try her - she' might be happy if you have a silver QUEEN.

you know how some people just get a bit outrageous at parties when they think they're the star?

I'll hold on to her till I see you next - I have LOVED the corruption that Buffy started!!


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