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Disinfecting a tank?


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Ok well my tank rack has 5 2ft tanks that are half empty. Why? Because i had fish in there that all died (faulty plug in point for heaters!). Now that i have some money i plan to refil these tanks and put fish in them once aged. MY Question is how do i disinfect the tanks? I don't want to be passing on illness to any new fish. Also wondering how long cycling takes?

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I think bleach is the best way to disinfect a tank. I usually give them a good scrub in a mix of bleach and water (never measure it exact, but I'm heavy handed with the bleach) a really good rinse and then let dry outside in the sunshine. In general a tank takes about 4 weeks to cycle properly. Its a give or take thing though, some take a bit less, some take a bit more depending on how big they are, what the setup is and what cycling method you are using. HTH :lookaround:

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All of the above Liam. Bleach is the best. I use a good strong dose of bleach. I'd say about one cup to 20 litres of water. Then soak for about an hour. Then rinse it out like you've never rinsed anything before. I then fill the tank up again and throw in a heap of salt (any old salt at this stage) to help draw out the bleach from all the silicon etc. Leave that for an hour and then rinse like mad again. Then fill and soak with clean water, add a double dose of dechlorinator and soak it over night. Next day I'll sit the tank out in the sun and leave it a few days. I usually do all my nets and hoses etc at the same time to give them a good clean. If I'm in a rush I'll skip the suntan but never miss the other steps. I'm very particular about the rinsing. Cycling a tank properly is best done over time but aged water with an aged sponge filter will work fine with regular small water changes. Pat.

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To clean the small show tanks we use Betadine scrub and a sponge. Rinse well aferwards. Use old filter medium, or gravel from an established tank to start cycling. In the meantine you can also run sponge filters (if you plan to use these) in an established tank. Cheers, J

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Liam, did the fish that died have an illness?  Do you really need to sterilise the tanks?  Just wondering, because it sounds from your post like they just died from the cold ... :)


Probly not ill but the tanks stink!

Myaswell be safer than sorry ;)

Thanks for the advice people

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