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Betta Tanks From Cd Cases


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I haven't been able to find something I'm happy with for jaring fry, well not something affordable, so I've set my brain to inventing. I just knocked this together using the outer shell of three old cd cases.

I popped out and discarded the centre piece of the case, the one that holds the cd, and separated the front and back of two of the cases, cutting the hinge tabs from the fronts. The third case is left hinged to provide a lid. All is siliconed together. If anyone needs more detail, let me know and I'll put together a step by step. This one is very rough on the silicone, as I only had a little left in my little tube to try it with, but I'll buy a big tube and a caulking gun to make more. What do you think?



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Thanks everyone! :D They are normal cd cases with the middles section removed. I have kept the black middle bits to use for carding so nothing is wasted. I would love to use some of those bright coloured crystal cases, so each cube could have a coloured bottom, but buying them kind of defeats the purpose of recycling. The tutorial will have to wait till pay day :rolleyes: so I can get some more silicon, but I'll definitely do one with full pic's.

I filled it with water today, mostly good, but need to be more careful at the corners next time. I think I will buy some other glue, fast drying super glue type, to tack it together before sealing with silicon. Lissa Mouse, do you think you might remember where you saw that other DIY? It wold be good to see what adhesives they used.

I have a chrome and glass bathroom stand that will hold 24 of these beautifully, if I can get the technique down, I think it will look quite impressive.

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I've had a look for it, but unfortunately can't find the other tutorial anywhere.. its possible its no longer available on the net as it was quite some time ago (we're talking at least 4 yrs ago). I may have possibly backed the info up onto disc somewhere so I'll have a look for it when time permits. From memory they taped the CD cases in place and used aquarium safe silicone

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, a quick update. I have had some problems with these. They are fine when left alone, but the flexability of the case has led to problems if you move them full of water. The joins begin to pull apart and you get leaks. I think this could be resolved by using a different adhesive to create a stronger bond at the corners before sealing with silicon. As suggested by Mouse, taping was the way to go as far as ease of assembly.

I have decided not to continue this project at the moment, as I have far too many fry for it to be of real benefit (think my time may have been better spent begging friends for bottles), so feel free to run with the idea!

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