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Collecting Strays And Waifs (pic Added 26.1.09)


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I know people are going to think I'm nuts, but for some reason I seem to be drawn to the under dogs of the betta world at the moment. I bought another male today, that granted only cost me $5 from a lfs, he has I think a case of fin rot which I'm treating, but omg is he HUGE. I think he is a VT but he could be a combtail. He has the biggest and longest pectoral fins I've ever seen, and once his dorsal fin grows back I'd say that is pretty big too. He eats like a horse and already has a massive bubble nest happening. I dont have any pics yet, I am letting him settle in a little, but I've named him Brooklyn and I think I might try and find a nice little VT girl for him. I think once he recovers, he will be one good lookin dude.

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Excellent, thank you for that Callatya. His colour and size caught my attention first. It wasnt until I got him home that I realised how fricken big he is compared to all my other boys. And I was worried that the longer pectorals are a bad thing? He eats like a horse and he is really nosey. So VT right?

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Looks VT to me, and I'd guess at least 5 months old, probably more. He might have CT there, but how much is a bit hard to say with only one fin to judge off.

The long pectorals are fine :D They showed up on red VTs about 2 years ago, very interesting trait. It is nice to see them on another colour and I'm very pleased to see they haven't been lost altogether! At the length they are, they shouldn't interfere with swimming. They'd be a fault standards-wise, but they aren't a bad thing for the fish.

The tail looks like it'll grow back red and probably nowhere near the length it was originally, but that is a bit of a wait and see jobbie ;)

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Ok well I'd best be finding him a VT girlfriend I'd say. I have CT girls here, but I dont really want more combtails. I've got my first proper CT spawn now and as much as I love my combtails, I'd like to work on getting a nice CT line happening.

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