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2ft Cube Tank


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Well, after much dithering and changes of plans, I've now settled on setting up the second-hand 2ft cube I bought a while back as an Australian native river biotope. I've got 10mm Coff Harbour gravel, some nice big river rocks, a few choice bits of wood, an "Ocean Free 6000" internal power filter (18w, 1500l/hr) and a Via Aqua 250w s/s heater. I've decided to stock with rainbowfish (Melanotaenia nigrans, splendida, trifasciata and duboulayi), and hopefully some Empire gudgeons and maybe some blue-eyes. The tank will be set up outside on a covered patio, and won't have any artificial lighting, just indirect natural light. I'd love to have live plants, but I'm not confident about it, so will probably mix fake plants with live to give the fish plenty of cover. Will I have to have a CO2 unit if I have live plants? Will the gravel substrate be suitable, or should I use some sand in places? What would be suitable, low maintenance rooted plants to try? Advice would br appreciated, and also comments and suggestions on the livestock. :D

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oooh I love empire gudgeons!! I see alot with cloudy eye, it's a shame :D I would love some! Thought about peacock gudgeons? they are adorable! M. nigrans are really pretty! What temp will your water be? I am a bit rainbowlexic. Are they mainly tropical rainbows? I guess being from SA I keep thinking CW rainbows (my lfs has all sorts alot in CW tanks).. I know there is tropical ones though, I haven't really ventured to rainbows yet, you might be the one to inspire me :D (and others!) If you have crypts, valis, java moss and ferns you won't need CO2. I have read that buying Seachem Excel in big bottles can be fairly cost effective to rigging up a really good CO2 system. This is going to look awesome Vicki!

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Thanks for the comments, Jess. I'd love peacock gudgeons, I've been wanting a pair ever since I started keeping fish, but we never see them in the shops up here :D Empire gudgeons are easy to come by -- I see them quite often in feeder tanks! I've had 4 M. nigrans in a 2ft tank with 2 goldfish for the last 15 months and have had absolutely no problems with them. The tank's heated to around 23 - 24 deg, and I'm planning to keep them at that when they go downstairs. (The goldies have gone into their own 3ft tank). The species I plan to get are all found in Qld, and often occur in the same localities. They seem to tolerate a wide season temp range in the wild. I believe some of the southern species can also handle a wide range of temps. I bought 2 more young nigrans and 4 M. splendida (Wallaby Creek) today, and they are happily schooling together. I'll give the valis, java fern and maybe crispus a go. Java moss always seems to die in my tanks :D Do you think it would be a good idea to put in some patches of sand substrate for the planting? Is there a special trick I'm missing ini getting them to establish good roots?

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The java moss can be planted in patches, I have on occasion in, I am sure it will be happy buried in either substrate. Trimming is needed to keep it nice & neat. Do you have pics of your tank as it progresses?

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Substrate, rocks and driftwood in place.

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I filled the tank this afternoon, put in some fake plants to fill a few spaces and provide cover, and planted some corkscrew val, a couple of pots of hairgrass and a bunch of elodea. I also took a small java fern from another tank and fastened it to the driftwood. More pics tomorrow.

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Vallis should go well in there. That grows in the river near me very well, i cant belive it survives with all the silt on it! I think a nice little barramundi in there, some salmon catfish and mabey an archer fish would look pretty cool, althought they would eventually get too big.

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I think a nice little barramundi in there, some salmon catfish and  mabey an archer fish would look pretty cool, althought they would eventually get too big.


I was really taken with the idea of a tank full of scats, archer fish, monos etc, (I think Lilli suggested that a while back), but you're right Phil, they'd get too big :(

Never mind -- when I win the Lotto, my HUGE new house will have an equally huge fish room :lol:

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Okay, here's the tank filled, with plants in. I'm pleased with how it's looking so far, and it aready smells like a river :(

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I love the effect created by tannin leaching into the water, especially when a few shafts of late afternoon sun break the surface and make dappled shadows. So pretty. (Also, I REALLY need to clean the outside glass properly :(( )

I put 4 Melanotaenia duboulayi (crimson-spotted rainbowfish) and an Empire gudgeon in this afternoon. There are 6 M. nigrans and 4 M. spendida splendida waiting to go in when the tank has matured a bit more. Pacific blue-eyes will have to wait until spring, I guess -- none around at the moment.

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Just an update... The tank is doing well so far. Water tests this afternoon showed pH 7.0, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate, so I introduced 4 M.splendens and 6 M. nigrans which have been in QT for the last week or two. Also today, I took delivery of 10 pacific blue-eyes (Harvey Creek) and 3 more Empire gudgeons (for the native cube tank), a couple more sparkling gouramis for the species tank AND.. A pair of peacock gudgeons, at last :wub::wub: All are in QT at the moment. The peacock gudgeons will have a tank to themselves eventually, and hopefully I'll get another pair or so to keep them company. I'm so happy :rant:

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Jess will be jealous of that tank! 

I love blackwater too.  And Pacific Blue eyes!  and Empire gudgeons!


Bloody Oath!

Vicki, you snot, it looks fantastic! I am jealous.

I was just whinging about PBE's the other day, that the ones I DID finally see in the LFS looked emancipated, so I never bought them. Now I regret it since they haven't been back since :D They were only $3.90 each, so not a big gamble.

You got Peackcocks :)!!!

Little story... Bay was selling them at $3 and AI was selling at $10+ so now Bay has bumped there prices up, so now they are over $10 each!! *pulls hair out* they used to be $4 each :( now they are $11.50!

Can you tak more pics please!

I am loving the colour of the water, I very recently stuffed a massive amount of peat into my 4ft, its getting soo dark :D

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Bloody Oath!

I was just whinging about PBE's the other day, that the ones I DID finally see in the LFS looked emancipated, so I never bought them. Now I regret it since they haven't been back since :( They were only $3.90 each, so not a big gamble.

You got Peackcocks :D!!!

Little story... Bay was selling them at $3 and AI was selling at $10+ so now Bay has bumped there prices up, so now they are over $10 each!! *pulls hair out* they used to be $4 each :) now they are $11.50!


I quailed a bit when the LFS guy told me the total price -- not that I couldn't have worked it out for myself beforehand because I knew Bay's wholesale prices and I know the retail mark-up the LFS adds. Not to worry, they gave me a very good discount because I'm a regular customer :) I think their retail price was $9.95 for the peacocks, $8.95 for the Empires and around $4.25 for the PBEs.

The Harvey Creek PBEs are lovely -- all different sizes and ages, but well-coloured, and there's a couple of very macho males showing off their fancy fins. The LFS hadn't been able to get PBEs for ages..A year ago they were flogging them off at 6 for $10 as pond fish.

I'll take some more pics tomorrow :D

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I want to get it to the point where it's fully planted and I can take out the fakes.

LOL sounds a bit like Vicki's a hitwoman on the rampage, "take out the fakes"! We can all do with less fakes!

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LOL sounds a bit like Vicki's a hitwoman on the rampage, "take out the fakes"!  We can all do with less fakes!


<John Wayne voice>There ain't room in this tank for the both of us! One of us is gonna hafta go, and it ain't gonna be me!</John Wayne>

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