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I've just walked into my animal room to see the beautiful blue endler pair and my apisto dead along with my snails, all I had done was a top up, usually I use rain water but I thought rather than unlocking everything I would add a few liters of tap water, obviously that was a big mistake, that's the final nail in the coffin, I'm out, I'll keep my other animals but the fish are gonskies! That feels liberating, I just need to sell everything off now, I'll keep my dessert gobies and that will be about it now. Adiós fish!

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Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. ): Sometimes these hobbies can loose their novelty, but best of luck moving on- and with all your fat spideys and other creepy critters. I hope it was the right decision, and not something you'll regret...

What fish do you keep, out of curiosity?

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It seems odd that a few litres of tap water would do that. I only ever use tap water both hot and cold (plus dechlorinator). My endlers and snails are fine. The bristlenose spawn every time I do it. BUT it's a hobby. It's meant to be enjoyable and if you don't get enjoyment then I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. As long as you're not just overreacting and likely to regret later getting rid of stuff that you should really be keeping. I'm just saying. Just in case. :P

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They're only in small tanks, I probably added 10-20% new water, Brisbane tap water has been known to randomly be deadly towards fish, it's usually after heavy rain though. I'm not over reacting, I've been thinking about it for a while, now it's just official, and now I have spare tanks for shrimp and spiders.

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sad to see you go, but i must admit, i agree with you, fish are crazy and a complete annoyance to keep sometimes - i have yet to figure out what keeps me smashing up all my tanks on the bad days XD maybe you should consider a move down to Melbourne in the future - like Bettarazzi i routinely use tap to do wc/s and have few problems XD

will you still be keeping your planted tanks?

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Hey Mighty Matt

Sorry to hear what went down Matt. I would ask you to lay off selling all your fish gear and store it as you may well get back into it after you have had a small break.



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sad to hear matt hope it works out for you....or you will end up like me ...selling all your fish stuff for one type, just to re buy everything again 6 months later for another type lol.

What fish/tanks would you be selling?

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Awww Matt! So sorry this happened. bighug.gif

I know you have been considering this for a while, so it isn't really a rash decision, but is sad you won't keep them anymore. Remember in the past, you've said the same thing, and then decided otherwise later on. Maybe it would be a nice break just to keep a few (such as the gobies).

It's your decision though, and you shouldn't keep them if you don't find it enjoyable.

Sorry they died! :(

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The plants are staying, plants are much easier than fish, the smaller tanks will just have shrimp in with the plants. Won't be selling any tanks, I have a million other things I can use them for. Inverts are so much easier, I have only lost babies one time when I wasn't at home for weeks to look after them, apart from that I haven't lost anything yet. This is the kind of thing I will be focusing on (and learning to photograph properly) its not as dirty as it looks in the photos.



I will only have a few bettas and maybe my angel pair although they may be another thing I keep, I love my angels and they have never caused me problems in the past with anything.

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Sad... I know how you feel though. Sometimes it is a big pain in the bum! Especially if you get a bit lazy or busy like me and every time you look at the tank it just makes you feel bad for not cleaning it!

I've always had my fish in rainwater because I've always lived in a house with only rainwater and it's probably been the biggest problem I've had with fish keeping. The water is WAAAY soft and acidic! I sort of solved by adding a couple of good pinches of coral sand but still is a pain. We are in the process of moving to a house with regular town water so I hope they will be ok... I was actually looking forward to it. I wonder what the water will be like.

Anyway... Enough about me! At least you have your other hobbies with your scorpions and creepy spiders and your plants. Maybe this will give you more time to work on that stuff instead. Change is usually a good thing.

Edited by Steph90
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Really sorry to hear this Matt. I think it's a great idea not to sell your stuff, even filters ect as if you ever want to get back into it, you can. :-).

All the best for your creepy crawlies. :-)

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Sad... I know how you feel though. Sometimes it is a big pain in the bum! Especially if you get a bit lazy or busy like me and every time you look at the tank it just makes you feel bad for not cleaning it!

I've always had my fish in rainwater because I've always lived in a house with only rainwater and it's probably been the biggest problem I've had with fish keeping. The water is WAAAY soft and acidic! I sort of solved by adding a couple of good pinches of coral sand but still is a pain. We are in the process of moving to a house with regular town water so I hope they will be ok... I was actually looking forward to it. I wonder what the water will be like.

Anyway... Enough about me! At least you have your other hobbies with your scorpions and creepy spiders and your plants. Maybe this will give you more time to work on that stuff instead. Change is usually a good thing.

I've never had a problem with rain water because most of my fish are soft water fish, minerals from the soil also dissolve into it adding a bit extra which always helps.

Thanks Paul, I'll still be coming to meetings when I'm not working late at the museum :)

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