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Can't find a thread on the 'other forum'


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Hi all, I am in the process of creating my perfect Hm pair using Photoshop, and need to use the scale design of a real betta to make this happen ideally :lol: Ages ago, someone posted a side-on close up photo of the area of body where the dorsal fin joins to the topline, of a copper gold betta. On the 'other betta forum' After almost an entire hour of searching for this thread, I still have not found it. If any one remembers who posted it and what the title was, or could even give me a link to it, could you please send it to me at guttata63@yahoo.com.au Many thanks in advance :giggle:

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Hi Najina, I think that's a fantastic photo and I will be using his color and scale shape as a brush template for my Photoshop project, if you don't mind. :) But no, it is not the photo I was asking for :lookaround: I believe it had only a piece of the back in the dorsal area, showing the scales of the top half of the body as they change to become the dorsal fin. And it was from memory very magnified and extremely detailed.

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:D I'll pass on your appreciation of her photo to Laura :) And it's her own skill with the camera, not the camera its self, because I think she used a Kodac, not a Cannon or such-like ;) After careful observation of this photo and similar photos, I have reached the conclusion that I will not be able to use just one scale to cover the entire fish...I'm going to have to copy a scale from each row of scales to produce the rounded, solid 3D effect. This should be interesting, possibly complicated, considering I still need to finish the caudal and dorsal fin silhouette of my 'perfect female' Hm, not to mention I haven't even started the male... This is enough to keep me busy all school holidays. I can 'create' my perfect Hm pair using Photoshop while I raise the first generation of my ideal Hm line :)

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:) I stumbled across the photo I was originally looking for purely accidentally :) I was reading up about copper gold and metallic genetics, and I found it among other posts in a thread on Joep's Betta Forum! So it wasn't on the other forum after all! The person who took these photos hasn't been an active member of the Bettas4all Forum in quite a while, so I emailed him and I'm waiting for his permission to show these photos here and to use them in my artwork. ;)

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My god! These are just awsome photos. I never imagined that there was so much detail in them, I think because bettas are so small it's hard to conceive of there being even smaller parts the naked eye can't see. Good on you Stefan, for sharing them and especially for getting permission first.

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