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Soriety or not?

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They don't "need" to be in a community tank, moreso they "can" be in it.

Everyone else might have different opinions, but in my experience I've come to understand that SOME of the ladies can behave quite happily in a group as long as they are able to establish a pecking order, and there is enough of them that the pressure isn't on just 3-4 individuals...

All of my girls were once in their own tanks, while I had under 10 betta... that number has exploded, so the gals have to make-do with a sorority.

Personally I believe they'd be happier in their own tanks, with their own food, and their own territories... they more often blew bubble nests and put on condition quicker (no competition for food).

Interesting question tho... I'll be keen to hear other people's thoughts...?


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I think that traditionally betta are considered solitary fish (male and female alike), but the agression amongst female is much reduced so that communal living is possible. It does depend on two things... each fish's temprement and stocking levels within the tank. I recall reading femaes should be kept in groups greater than 5 to distibute agression evenly across all the fish.

Personally my experience has been that some females can be just as agressive as males, and some males are not agressive. Also, these fish seem to have their own personalities... to the point where it's easy to attribute human emotions to their behaviours. I feel that some of them get depressed when removed from their long time friends/family and infact like living in a group (despite the traditional belief that they are solitary fish).

I think that "in the wild" these fish could not be completely isolated, so some interaction with other splendens - male and female will occur intermittently. They may like the occasional socialisation, catch up and gossip!

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IMO only, I found the females that were jared grew quicker and the got a better tail spread. As I never have enough room to jar all the fish, the girls are spread between community tank and growout.

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From what I know, in the wild, both males and females won't be isolated completely, but they won't fight to death either. The losing one will always retreat and since the habitat is way bigger than our tank or house, they will always find a hiding spot. I've heard that sometimes they don't even fight, as the weaker one will retreat after 'flaring' session with each other.

Now for females, from my experience of keeping female (which was pretty long ago) they don't need to live in sorority, as long as you provide some retreat space in case one get constant harrasment from the other. In my opinion, the female has never been as aggressive as the males. Not to mention they can't though.

But if space isn't an issue, I don't think I'd jar them up. I'd just make a huuuuuugeeeeeee heavily planted pond, trying to imitate their habitat, and let them have their way with it.

On the other note, if huge pond is an issue, but home space isn't, then I'd be happy to give them their own tank.

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I've had similar experiences to Busman where those that are separated develop nicer finnage but seldom have space to do that, so they usually stay in growout. I don't think it matters much in terms of health though. If you have room and time to house them separately, go for it.

I have a large sorority tank (about 350L) and I have about 40 girls all living very happily in there (actually one of them I discovered about a month ago is a boy, but he's living amongst the others quite happily for now, no aggression or flaring of any kind).

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My girls love a tumble I dont know if that is due to ther sobriety or the IAL I keep them jarred but they are PKs and each are very individual I wouldnt put another fish in with the VT sisters as they are two nastie pieces of work Mumu and wel they is what they is



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