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Just a video on my cultures


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A friend of mine on facebook asked me to make a video for her about my fish culture worms because she had no idea what I was going on about. I'd just received my new white worms culture from Wayne so I thought I'd do a little video about them all.

I originally only did this so my friend, Laurie, could see but thought it might be interesting to some of the folks on here also.


I am now considering doing a video to show how I set up/ subculture my cultures. Would anyone be interested in seeing that?

Edited by Fighters4U
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Awesome stuff! :)

Thankyou so much for doing that video, I dont know all that much about cultures but I sure do know alot more now :P:)

I would love for you to do more videos on the topic, much easier to understand seeing it like that, well done :P

Ps, how do you feed the VE to the fish?

Jane :)

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Yes please....more videos!!

What a great way to describe something and I love the personal touch of hearing your voice.

Most of the guys will have cringed at the sight of worms in the kitchen....Mums and Wives are notorious for hating that......haha.

To me it proves you ARE a freak....and I like it.

All the best


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Ok, as requested here is a video on vinegar eel harvesting.


Thanks for the compliment Anthony! I take being called 'strange' , 'odd' or 'freaky' as the highest form of compliment. I don't want to be "normal" and fit in, I like being an individual and unique and flaunting that!

and PS, any mother who can't stand the smell of a mature, or even going off, microworm culture they obviously didn't have a pukey kid, or one that did disgusting things in it's nappy! It's nothing worse than what comes out of a baby at one time or another!!!

I love my worms, they are awesome and after the initial outlay of money it's FREEEEE to feed my fish with them! What's not to like about that?

I've got some more video's to come, but it's taking a while to upload them to youtube so please be patient.

Edited by Fighters4U
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Wow, thankyou very much! :)

I guess I had better start a VE culture one of these...

I suppose you can also scoop some water out of the tank and dip the filter in that then pour it back in if you dont want to risk disturbing the fry also :)

Thanks for sharing

Jane :)

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Good job on the videos Cassi!!!

Glad to see the whiteworms are going well too.... I've just seeded a 5 litre container with whiteworms - and topped up the lunchbox with more seed raising mix.... I have 6 containers going well now... They are loving this cooler weather and laying eggs everywhere - even under the lid of the boxes!!!

Joan the white worms will take a couple of days to eat a large piece of bread but as long as you keep an eye on it and take it out if it shows signs of mould they will be fine.... If you're concerned about mould while the culture is building up numbers you can actually bury the bread and that way it won't go mouldy and the worms will still get to it.... surface feeding is good for harvesting though....

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Thanks for the videos Cassi! gosh when i first got my culture and was trying to strain the VE's i was trying to hold the filter paper over a bucket and tip the culture in lol had to eventually get someone to help me! the glass/cup idea is defintely what i will be using in the future! :)

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I know i can get a pack of 50 dvds for something like 15$ so works out for $0.30 per dvd just info to consider :) im assuming a good percentage of your customers are from ausaqua and therefor i would think they would choose to watch the instructional videos on here as opposed to paying extra for them? maybe an extra dollar on top of the culture? just my two cents worth!

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@bettasbest But then you also have to think of the time itll take to burn the dvd and have everything sorted..

I think paying for the disc is fair :) But to make it even more fair, perhaps chuck on any extra information on the disc, that we dont see here, otherwise, none of us would feel the need for one :)

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Yeah, thanks Lilli, that's what I was thinking. I mean sure a DVD is only 30c but I've got to edit the video's, burn them to the disc, in DVD format, which takes 4 hours using the program I use then there's also cases...I'm not gonna just shove a naked DVD into a culture order lol and not to mention the fact that every disc I burn reduces the life of my DVD burner :)

I don't think $3 is unreasonable at all, I myself would happily have paid it when I bought my original cultures just to see how it was done and save myself a lot of fiddling around - but that wasn't an option for me

I even asked a few other fishy ppl I know and they all said they'd happily pay $5 for it, but I reckon $3 would cover my costs.

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I think it's not the money but the access of information that determines the sales.

I have seen your videos and I'm more than happy to pay $5 with my original starter cultures but then thing is like delyall said people like us on the forum could access that information and the videos for almost free (if you include downloading costs). If you include more information on it, it will make the idea of video tutorial more appealing therefore more sales.

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For me, I'm quite happy to pay for starter cultures from someone who is prepared to spend a lot of time not only keeping the cultures going (sometimes for years) so I can buy one when I mess up and lose mine but also someone who can provide good instructions on how to successfully culture the live food when it arrives. The time taken to keep cultures alive for years v. the cost of the cultures is quite minimal if you work it out in $ terms.... cost of containers, fuel/car costs to take cultures to the P.O, costs of food for the cultures, cost of soil/non-soil media, cost of time, etc.... I think the idea of video instructions for the cultures is a great idea....

Cassi - you could provide the dvd/cd with video instructions and have the written instructions included on the dvd/cd as a pdf file so it can be read on the computer or printed as required. Maybe offer the cd/dvd with instructions as a separate item so people can choose to have instructions or research the info/experiment themselves....

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