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How do you like to buy your blackworms?

I am a big fan of loose blackworms that are bagged in front of me, as i know how long they have been in the bag, and i can see the entire batch.

I don't mind pre-bagged, but if its any longer than a day, they go a bit mushy IME

i like the concept of these pre-pack thingies (are they juice popper things?) but there are never enough worms in them, and they are hard to get out :)

they look cool though, and for small scale fishkeepers i think they are a great idea! (and i want a little blue fridge for my desk :))

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They pre-bagged one are the only ones I have access to in my area. They come from Pisces and I make sure I know the day they are arriving and snap them up straight away. They are expensive but they do stay very fresh in that little bag. I just keep it in my fridge and regularly clean the water in it. The little fridge is a neat idea ;)

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