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What type is this please?


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I would say she is still a girl as most male's even the Plakats their ventral fins are nearly the length of their body if not longer.

But then she is quite lean and dosent look to have an ovipositor. :giggle:

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Thanks for that Charlie. I originally thought it was a girl, there is no ovipositor and its fairly svelte. Having said that, I'll charge up a torch and see if I can see ovaries. I'm still betting its a boy though. And when it fans out, the tail is almost half moon shaped.

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Some of my girls have looked very kinda not really girlish with their feminine curves lol, try the torch thing, place it near a male and a known female and see the reactions (not always foolproof lol)

maybe you've got a male plakat.... but looking at it i'd bet a girl, maybe the ovipositor is just really small!

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:D Maybe you could put it in a tank with a girl and see what happens since putting it in a container beside one didnt help.

Good Luck :D

LOL I originally had it in with an entire tank of girls because I thought it was a girl. It didnt fight with anyone, nor try and snuggle up to anyone. Its still got a bubble nest happening in the jar. Now I'm confused!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with Stefan on this one, I would also say a boy. The give away for me is not the lack of ovipositor but rather the lack of egg sack. On a light bodied girl you should be able to see the milky cream egg sack from a very early age.



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Yeah, with all the other signs, if it is displaying boy behaviours, I'm thinking boy too. It isn't plump enough behind to be a girl, even though that dorsal really wants me to say it is.

Ug, why couldn't girls have stayed brown and identifiable? :betta: Much simpler!

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