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How many different colours are there?


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I am only just got into Betta's i have 4 males and i have told myself im not getting any more but i have no idea what colour they are but i am also curious what kinds of colours you can get and what they look like so if anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated!

i'm not sure if this is the right section for this topic sorry if it isn't!

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hehe you can get bettas in all different types of colours and tail types!

if you want a sneaky peek just check out the betta critique or the fishy showroom for a HUGE ammounts of piccies of lots of different colours and stuff.

welcome to the wonderful world of bettas... where you can never stop at one :)

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o.0 i'd hate to think how many colours, patterns and combinations there are in bettas!! they're in virtually any colour you can think of! and if there's a colour they're NOT in, well...i'm sure we'll get there in the end :)

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there have been, but of those, maybe only one or two that have popped up for sale that I've seen. Its a shame, it is a fantastic colour when you get it! I can't wait until it becomes more common, I'm going to get me a tankful!

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can you imagine a tankfull of purple and green girls? and then you could have a green, red and white one for christmas. oh the novelty :dontknow: i'm STILL waiting to set up my girlies tank, waiting on finding a place out here that will actually SELL girlies. so any perthites that know of a decent place to go please let me know!

and yes, purple *drools* although i do like blue cambos, and coppers

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hmmm... is it possible that we just use normal paint to get colours... like if you mix red paint and white paint you get pink.. yellow and blue paints will get green... okay i gotta stop using my imagination while i type.

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