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I'm A Mother!


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Well.. foster mother My darling snail, Edith (first and only snail i have successfully kept alive, ever!) has been laying my bunches of eggs, but I kept thinking they were infertile. JL set me straight and I left 3rd batch alone (which quickly followed 4th and 5th batch). Now, I was playing with my corys (face up to the tank, freak them out, see them act like bowling pins) and I saw a baby snail!!! I have baby snail!!!! :lol::lol: Well done Edith! I love you girl.... ;) Question though.. how on earth do i do a waterchange without the risk of sucking up a baby??

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Question though.. how on earth do i do a waterchange without the risk of sucking up a baby??


Well done Mishy ..... well Edith actually :lol:

We had a pair of snails breed every few weeks for us. But then they dies on us and we're just waiting for their babies to learn how to do it.

As for the waterchanges you can get vacuum hoses that have a grill or grate type attachement in them. That stops most things. If you don't have one of them you could make something similar from stockings or if that is too fine then maybe something like fly screen.

Or just sort through the bucket of water afterwards. Most snails will sink to the bottom of the bucket after a water change so when you empty most of it out you'll see them on the bottom. I guess you could even pour the bucket of water through a filter screen and gold pan for snails :lol:



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Well Done Edith. Now edith, you clever little thing making babies all by yourself! I suggest you keep popping out more egglets as Mishy needs to do lots of water changes and well erm, fish are more important. It's kinda like the lay 3,000 but 3 survive dealie. Besides you wouldn't want mass sibling parties were everyone makes babies, right?

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Nope, edith has been in this tank by herself this whole time. Hence me thinking she had infertile eggs in the tank. So far, I've only seen the one baby.. also doesn't help that Hanh, the bad tempered king of the tank, takes pot shots at her eggs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

:P Edith has left the tank. I came in to the office today and Edith, who normally walks around and is very active, didn't move at all. I love watching this girl when she crawls around and waves her feelers around. Takes excellent care of her young one, crawling slowly so the young 'un can catch up to her. Using the airstone as her personal spa by crawling ontop of the airstone and then getting blown to the top of the tank. Hanging off the leaves right near the filter so she looks like a snail-like Marilyn Munroe. :D I got very attached to her because she's the first snail i kept alive for more than 48 hours and I'm really going to miss her. She is survived by one baby and her last bunch of eggs. Goodbye Edith. I'll miss your antics with the airstone and filter. I'll miss you again and I will take care of your child and eggs until they hatch. :) :P

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