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Raising Platy Fry


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Doing a water change today i noticed a tiny pair of eyes staring up at me from the bucket of water i was about to throw on the garden.. seems one of my platys and a sword tail have been busy! I found two others but could only catch two in total. I've got betta fry in a grow out tank so i had some bbs handy which they had a go at but didnt seem ALL that interested, is bbs the way to go? im not sure how old they are but they are about 6mm long.

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They should be able to take bbs. Are platys herbivorous or can they take live food? Try keeping them in a floating container at first, and see if they will take the bbs since they would be in a smaller area. There's a few platy experts on the forum, hopefully they will see this and post. Good luck :cheer:

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splendidbetta, cheers! I did what you said and I've got two of them sitting in a floating container, going by the size of bettas when they can take bbs, these guys should be able to no dramas, but like you mentioned, is bbs the right thing ? :cheer: Mouse I have to admit i dont know what 'TA' is :D , the only thing i have around the place is a liquid food for egglayers that betta fry wouldnt touch, should i try it anyhow? I would like to keep away from it if possible just because of the mess it makes Thanks for your help though and let me know if theres any info you need from me, I've never had alot of luck with platys so id really like these ones to grow to adulthood :D

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liquid fry food is like "ammonia in a tube" imho. I assume TA = Tim Addis dry food. I also assume you have none :cheer:. Finely ground tetra bits resemble it, if that helps. I'd try grinding whatever you feed the parents. They've presumably been eating something you have in the tank up til now!

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In my experience, platy fry are almost indestructible once they get to a size where you can see them. I just used to leave them in the community tank and they ate whatever the other fish got (usually flake food). There is some attrition, which is probably just as well considering the rate at which platys reproduce :cheer:

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We just crush flake very finely. They will basically survive on the infusoria around the plants. As for being mature at 9 weeks thats about right... we just got babies in our grow-out tank! 6 bubs and mum is only a tadpole! We have separated the girls from the ruffian sex crazed guys. They are beautiful babies as the photo shows :lol: Mark

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