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Hi There!


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My name is R.R. to you.lol. I'm new to here and I hope to make some good friends. Well first off I found this site by looking on the net for fish chat rooms thaT were active and I found this one! I have 3 bettas right now. I have 1 male and 2 females, I also have to corys. I have had fish for 5 years now and just LOVE them! I really got into fish last year when I got shin splints ( I'm a highly commpetetive highland dancer, and jazz dancer) Dancing was my life and to take one year off of it would have been tarribel! thats when I needed a hoby. for christmas my grandma had given me a male betta(Twinkie ). I decided that fish would be a great hob for me so off I went with my christmas money to our fish store. I got some info. and a 10 gallon tank. thats how I got started. Other things I like to do are dancing, grooming m dog, dancing, swiming, my fishies :fish: and driving our family boat.

can't wait to get to know you people.

bye for now


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