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Anyone Like Kohaku Koi?


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Phil, im temp. keeping them in a 1500litre plastic pond, and will be upgrading to a 9000litre fibreglass pond around June. Then probably around Dec im going to dig up my entire backyard to make a big show pond.

The fry i got are growing up nicely. Going to need to transferr them to a larger tank or even a large pond.

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Im also going to the AKA (Aus Koi Assoc.) Auction tomorrow to see if I can pick up a chagoi (tea coloured koi - very friendly and will encourage other koi to feed from hands). And maybe some nice looking specimens too.


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Um, they are Water Hyacinth. "Water hyacinth is widely recognised as the world's worst aquaric weed":


They are extremely invasive and a declared noxious weed Australia-wide, with a hefty fine attached to their possession.

These links explain why it is such a pest and the obligations of all persons having it on their premises:




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These plants are ILLEGAL. Did you read the links I posted? It is illegal to have them and it is illegal to sell them. It matters NOUGHT that other people keep them or that they absorb nitrates. Or that they look pretty.

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They're declared noxious for very good reason. I can remember, as a child, seeing the entire town reach of the river that runs through our city completely choked with hyancinth. And I mean completely -- not an inch of water surface to be seen. A local guy tried to row across the 100m or so from bank to bank and found it impossible.

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water cabbage does poorly in tanks apparently, as the condensation that drips on the leaves from lids (if you have lids) rots them :lol:

There's another really nice floating plant that does well in tanks - salvinia. Nice emerald green hairy leaves. Too bad IT is illegal too!!!

Maybe banana lily is a good option. Or you could try potted water lillies and let them reach the surface. They probably won't flower as the tank is too shallow, and once the koi are big enough they will dig the roots out of the pot and make a bugger of a mess. But they'd be ok while the koi are small.

I think the obligation with the hyacinth is to dry them out and then burn them. But they MAY be a notifiable weed, in which case as the person whose property they are on you're supposed to inform the local council (I think it's the council). Check the sites I posted or do a google search for the local noxious weeds authority.

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