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Aqua One Betta Barracks - Comments?


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I'm interested in what experienced members think of the Aqua One beta barracks . I've seen these used by several pet stores to display betas for sale. They have a drip system consisting of a heater and pump but I don't think they actually filter the water. I'm wondering if they are any good for housing betas long term or if there is a better option available?

Many thanks

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Hey there... I have two of these in my fishroom that I use for jarring and growing out fry. They are not an ideal solution for full sized bettas full term in my opinion, but great for growing out and displaying fish you are trying to sell.

There are sections in the sump to add filter media to filter the water. I use ceramic noodles and filter wool. It does a fairly good job. By only beef with the sump is that it is so small that it needs topping up just about every day or two due to evaporation. There were times early on in owning these when I put off topping up the sump in the morning and by evening, the heater was exposed and its glass casing cracked...

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I wouldn't use them to house a betta permanently but they are perfect for displaying your best fish when customers or friends come around.

I've wanted one for years and recently found a used one from another member. At $300ea brand new I'd rather be inspired by the concept and use

the money for a more larger DIY approach or pay a little extra/less? and have something custom made. I've seen some amazing designs on youtube and google.

I'm contempt with having individual & grow out tanks, it's more work but it feels like the fish appreciate the space and calm water.

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if you are going to use a barracks system be it bought or DIY you have to be on the ball with the water management one slip can see your whole stock kept in the barracks gasping for air for no aparent reason. Proper protacols need to be set up when using any barracks and it is only the adearment to these protocols that make them safe and successful for operater and fish



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Watch the taps above each compartment - they have a tendency to rust and freeze up.... can be replaced though....

Yan the 24 tank system is quite large with 3 rows - a LFS up here has one and the review they gave it isn't positive..... no way I would pay $800 if that's what its selling for.... For $800 you could get a decent custom barracks built ......

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For $800 I could of gotten 2-4 more of my own design barracks built up and had room for 63+ fish in 5+lt each. Imagine if I had of made the chambers smaller.... I actually laughed when I heard the price 'cause I thought it was a joke. :blink:

Edited by Yan
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