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No, I want RR girls for my sorority because tehy look nice, not to breed with my green dragon. I must have miss said something in my french :(

No, I'm banned from the camera, I will try get them later when Mum and dad arn't home. Oh and by scrubby vegetation I ment some look stunted.

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Well glad we're back English, my second language is good old basic Anglo-Saxon!! :lol: Don't think the Mods would let me get away with too much of that. Now... back to the fish. Lovely boys Matt, sorry about the barracks but hot glue and H2O aren't always a good combo. The cure time is a bugger but you really are better off to use silicone, NannaJo B)

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Thanks! I love him, someone doesn't think she has a girl though :( dad cut my dividers but my measurements were like 2mm offso I had to glue the dividers together. I can only have 3 tanks you see so I need to divide my tanks :(

Sorry, I miss read yourquestion, Perspex to Perspex, the glue dosn't stick to glass when wet, the filter kinda forced them against one end oftje tank making them break :(.

Didyou get my pm?

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@ Jarrod

:lol: yes and you dont want your face liked after seeing that do you? No! I say No!

@ Mighty Matt

DO NOT USE SILICAN it dosnt work on perspex when I made my tanks I used silican and the held together for two day then started to spring leeks and then fell apart my garage was adrift with water and it wasnt funny the hardware guy got me WELD ON #16 this is ok if your joins are tight fiting if not go for a higher number ask your Dad he will understand how it works. after one day to set I filled tanks and emptied every day for three days couse I am over coushus but if you just let it cure for a day or two it should be ok I have had no problems since as for the partisions i used the off cut perspex to make guides so they can be removed ONCE AGAIN GET DAD TO HELP if he helps by showing you how you wont end up with as many problems OK

Yes Buddy I got your PM as we had a storm last night there where loads of leafs fallen so I have put them in the dehidrater and will send them when they are dry Ok



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Weld On is thicker in consistancy in the higher numbers. If Weld On is applyd and the joint taped as for normal glass tanks then after joint is set tape is placed along the seem weld on can be applied to the joint to fill in the gaps this is what I had to do to one badly cut piece of perspex it took a few goes but it worked in the end and at only six dollars a tube it fills nicly and with out that opaquness that you get from silicone I. You are right though Razzi its function is as a glue not a filler but it works as one if applied like this and yes it can only be used to bond perspex to perspex if the tank is glass then the guide for the partion should be glass so silicone can be used.



Edited by les
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