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Our tropical 3ft tank

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I thought I would share a photo of one of my favourite tanks. Its a 3ft tropical. We have angels, gouramis, tetras, bristlenose, 1 lonely corey, and a few female fighters. I know that fighters are not supposed to get along with the above mix of fish, but we have never had a problem, we were doing this well before we knew it was a no, no. So since there were never any problems we just kept on doing it.

I would like to take credit for it but this is all Patrick's work. He just loves getting his tanks to look just right. One thing you cant pick up in the photo is the most beautiful moss covered log that runs the length of the tank.

Hope you enjoy it. <_<


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Robbie, I'm not sure if these lillies are different to the others. I know nothing about plants and just get those that I think will look nice. I just feed them some fertiliser every now and then. The LFS sold them as Madonna Lilies but what the proper name, type, species whatever is :cheer: Is there an aquatic lily? I tend to kill most of the other plants in time but the lillies and the java moss I'm OK with. Mind you most of the Java moss is in with bettas. I like doing water changes on the tank actually. It gives me a chance to re-arrange the plants :P The female fighters love the broad leaves on the lillies and sun themselves on the top out of the water. And a few months back we had a pair of angels laying eggs all over them every week or so. No fry since they ate them all, or the other fish did :P Have been tempted to try and spawn a pair of Gouramis lately but it's just a "want" at the moment. I'm sure it will pass :P Pat.

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The peace lilies are not aquatic, just one of them plants that look good, and will survive a long while under water. Just keep an eye on them and as leaves start to rot, remove them. It is sometimes difficult to choose real aquatic plants at the shop because all the colours and leaves of the fakes draw you in :cheer:

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Do the peace/madonna lillies actually flower under water? How long have you had them for?. It always baffles me how non aquatic plants survive so long under water. I always steer clear of them at pet stores as it seems to me that they have plucked something from the garden and whacked it in the aquarium to sell. I imagine they wouldn't last too long. ;)

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Do the peace/madonna lillies actually flower under water?

How long have you had them for?.  It always baffles me how non aquatic plants survive so long under water. I always steer clear of them at pet stores as it seems to me that they have plucked something from the garden and whacked it in the aquarium to sell. I imagine they wouldn't last too long. :drool:


The lillies have been in there for about 6 months now. 1 plant has flowered 2 times in the 6 months. Some have flower once, and some not at all.

So over all I am very happy with them. Fingers crossed they stay healthy, we really dont know much about aquatic plants, we only buy what we think looks nice.


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