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Fingers crossed all has gone well in shipping them!

I'm getting this pair. Will post pics ASAP but...well my computer just caught on fire lol


Can't wait to see them in person, they're my first plakats and they're young monsters from someone. I'd like to spawn them ASAP but it will depend on how they look when I get them out of their bags tomorrow for how long I give them, they're quite young though so it might be a while. I have their tanks all set up and waiting! It's so exciting, I'm like a child the night before Christmas *giggles*

EDIT: BTW I've been in the USA for 12months and using an American betta forum as research reading most of the spawning logs and all of the information about betta/spawning I can find so these little guys are in good hands! Also I got them both their own 10ltr tanks/heaters/plants etc

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AHAHAH Yes thank you :confused: my computer fire is out. It happened because somehow the bag my friend bought me some new females for HER sheila tank (which she keeps in my room...as you do) floated down onto cables inside the box lol

...not really funny...I wanted to spend my next $500 on things OTHER then new computer parts!!!

Wait a minute... I CAN'T BE USING A COMPUTER IF ITS ON FIRE! Something fishy is going on here *looks around the room* ooooh this isn't my bedroom at all! its the living room! Must be a different computer...or IS it! Yeah, it is *sad face*Oh Tanis how I miss thee

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*cries* I could have set up ANOTHER 55gallon/4ft/how many liters is that? tank and FILLED it with beautiful girls! And plants/driftwood for them to hide in if they felt inclined... *cries*

They're here and active! The probklem is that their set up tanks were in my bedroom which still smells like computer death and after spending the night their I have a really sore throat! So I'm going to have to redo their homes in another part of the house with UNAGED water! (That said my mother has been dumping water without even any conditioners onto my endlers for a year and theyre fine so maybe it isnt too bad)

*sigh* will get back to you with pix once I've found a place to set them up!

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I usually don't age water for more than a few hours at most, seem to be fine.

To find the volume of a tank, get the height, length and width in cm, multiply them with each other, divide by 1000 and there you have litres:)

Or, type '55 gallons' into google, and it will convert it for you.

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The heaters have done their job and the tanks are nice and warm now so I think its aged enough anyway, no bubbles on the glass or anything. I'm told the REAL reason we age is because when water gets under pressure a chemical gets into it which can harm fish..don't really understand all that.

Time to start acclimatising them!

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pH is silly :lol: it has such mood swings lol

Here is mah boy!

this is my fav photo, I turned it into a wallpaper!


An in focus shot of him :lol: This one is pretty close to his true colour but depending on the angle he can be either blue or BRIGHT green.


Now for My Lady, Named Fleur by Rosie

No special photography here but it shows her amazing colors perfectly! She had an almost white body in the video which I used to buy them off but there is a little white mark on her anal fin which is the same so I guess its just tricks of the light/aging. Either way I wouldnt change her for the world! She's AMAZING!


This is a cute shot. She's hard to photograph because she NEVER stops moving


Side Note: With in seconds of posting him on DeviantART

Dart wallpaper 1 fav

Dart in focus 3 favs

Fleur 1 0 favs

Fleur 2 0 faves...


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They are lovely! Marbles are tricky like that, they change so much so quickly AB adds should have a notice on them! There is some pics in the showroom of my marble delta and his sisters, one of them was almost completely white when I got her. The boy has changed again since those pics, I'll have to take some more.

I'm glad you still like her, I think she's stunning. It will be interesting to see if they keep changing for you, it's like having a new fish every few weeks!

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