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Altolamprologus Calvus


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Yep it purely is a colour thing in these guys! Though i really do think they are black calvus if they were purchused from a LFS. There are no breeders of white calvus at the time being, and if they were they'd be offloaded to the public first rather than the shops. An easy recount of the price by Lisa should be able to clarify which strain of calvus they are.



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They were $30 each. I was surprised at the price, for a LFS. Normally I see calvus costing more than that.

For those interesed, black calvus images: http://images.google.com.au/images?hl=en&a...mages&gbv=2

white calvus images: http://images.google.com.au/images?gbv=2&a...G=Search+Images

I laugh at the photo - they look so paranoid! I was just playing around with my camera.

I might put some danios in there as dither fish, to help with the paranoia. Anyone have thoughts on that? (Obv I'd QT them first).

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the calvus might stalk the danios at night.

Have you watched them eat its like slowlyyyy slowlyyyy .........snatch food .......runs.......

i use to keep them some guy in fairfeild sells calvus for around $20 he has hundreds i'm not sure where he is now but he use to post up posts on the trading post.


P.S. remember no bloodworms

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Why no bloodworm?.....because of the protein.

Most of the Tangs seem to graze on the algae growing on rocks.Apart from a few crustaceans and copepods living in the algae,

the diet is high in vegetable matter.

Fish can 'bloat' and die if overfed on protein.

I think that calvus are designed to hunt fry hiding among rocks,so would probably benefit for some live food.

BTW....I think your fish are the newer 'white' variety.

I kept a large school of compressiceps and black calvus for over two years.

Sure black calvus have deeper bodies.

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Yes, they will be handy for caviar!

Are your julies less shy having the danios in the tank? Thos 2 species would look quite good together - all the stripes!

These guys are too small for now to even think about eating adult danios. Maybe they will in due course, but so be it!

Years ago I kept a healthy and prolific brichardi colony, and I am pretty sure I fed them a protein-dense diet (old habits are just that - old, lol). What do people feed tanganyikans if they're trying to minimise animal protein?

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Lilli the funny thing is that the Julies disappeared when I put the danios in!

I was able to obtain 6 pairs and gave 3 pairs to my son.

I ordered 12 fish and the lfs bought about 25.On the day they arrived,Jack

and I observed their behaviour.The six pairs were obviously clinging to each other in the bare tank.

I bought the danios about a week later.The Julies disappeared because they were breeding!

Dickfeldis are very beautiful when happy.....they take on a deep purple body colour.

Regarding feeding.....most of my fish get live mossie larvae,frozen Daphnia and Sera flake food.

Brichardis are sublimely beautiful fish.Hard to beat for a single species tank. I always give them

a dither fish as well.I have noticed they don't like frozen bloodworms.They LOVE daphnia!!

In my opinion,red meat is the worst form of protein.Better to supply it as shrimp or minced fish.

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