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Male or Female??


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Hi guys i am just confused on one of my fish at the moment, i dont know weather it is a male or female. The fish is 10 weeks old now and the same body size as all the other males from the same spawn however this one seems to confuse me. Can someone please help me out.

It is from a turq HM male crossed with a turq DT, HM geno female. This is the spawn from Najrick's pair that i got of them.

I iwll post pics tomorrow if i have a day off, the males are growing up quite nicely.

Thanx for all your help.

Cheers Deano

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Thanx guys for your reply, i have seperated him or her and am waiting to see how things turn out. Because the Caudial is really small compared to all the other males from the spawn. But is only 10 weeks old still so a few more weeks to grow. Cheers Deano

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ummm... well that would sound right, cause i only just jarred this one. Was looking a bit suss for a while but only recently was beginning to get a lot bigger than the other females in the tank. WIll have to keep a close eye on this one. As i remember getting a Female from Najrick and looked just like a female till like 3 weeks after when started to relaly grow and soon was a HM male so a real surprise could be waiting in these fish. Cheers Deano

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I would also say a boy (though its always best to let time tell). I doubt that he will be a Plakat as I am pretty sure there are no Plakat genes in him. My spawn did not produce any and I don't think the parents I got from Sharkey's did either (Sharon can you confirm this?). Though I must say they all had very long anal fins, so maybe its just that trait coming through. someone is right about the spine, Did all the spawn turn out like this or just this boy? Najina P.S I must say that I think its great when we can discuss a fishes ancestry. Well done in having a truly Australian bred fish.

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I must say that I think its great when we can discuss a fishes ancestry. Well done in having a truly Australian bred fish.


Being able to trace the line and able to ask the original breeders questions regarding other fish in the spawns is a major bonus and a huge step forward for Aussie breeders. It can only serve to improve the lines since we are so much better informed when choosing our breeding pairs. :D

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Sorry guys took so long to reply just been buys with work and very tired. Anyway i still cant tell weather this is a boy or girl but i have "it" seperated till i can be sure. But i am curious as to the spinal issue could someone please give me a more detailed explaniation about this in regards to the pics, cause i dont know anything about this at all. Then i can check my other fish and see if they are the same. Also with this spawn i found that a few of them had a a few deformities that i am just noticing. Like one of my males a CG is born with very tiny ventrals. Then one is born with only one ventral. But i do think that it is great that we can discuss the history of the fish. It is good to see Aussie breed fish. Thanx guys Deano

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