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my tanks


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i decided to decorate the inside of my tanks a little bit because they where empty and i thought my bettas looked alittle bored

i first bought some crushed quartz because i like the look of fine gravel in fish tanks but when it was time to do a water change it was too had to get it in and out to clean i ended up with the quartz every where so i bought some small black pebbles and bought 6 small baby tears silk plants for each betta

the plants are pushed against the back of the tanks to give more swiming space

i was going to take a pic with the moon lights on too but the batterie in my camara died

does anyone think i should add a blue background to the tanks to make it look not so black and dark?


oh thats my spawning tank on the bottom left courner lol

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looks great divy! :) i'm thinking of swapping the real plants in my barrcks to silk plants. i personlly like black backgrounds coz i find it brings the fish out better, but it's personal taste. whatever you decide to go with with it'll look good i'm sure. any luck with the spawn yet?

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I agree with Sara. I like the black. Don't think the fish will care. I think your setup is really stylish. If you want something other than black I wouldn't go for another plain colour. Have a look at an aquarium background with freshwater plants. It will make the tanks look deeper than they are.

[Edit: typo]

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yeah i think i will stay with the black because like you said it brings the fish out more even when there at the back you can see them really good

i did have java moss in there awhile ago but some parts started to trun brown so i took it out then decided on the silk plants its a win win situation they never discolour or die my bettas seem to like them and rest on them and they look good

no luck on the spawn i have going at the moment, its been a day since i released the female

its the 3rd time i have tried to spawn, first pair the female is too agressive and this is the second time i have tried this pair first time i was a impatient so thats probably why nothing happend but fingers crossed for tomorrow

and when i get my blue dragons i will have a go with them

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Good Luck but please don't just give up after day 2! I've had a pair that acted like tank mates for 3 days straight decide to spawn on the 4th day....and there was a 2nd male in the tank too!! (by accident, thought it was a female...turned out to be a wild type PK) I give all mine at least 4-5 days in the spawn tank to spawn. I only removed them if a) the female loses her vertical barring and shows stress bars or b ) is constantly hiding even at feeding time.

I hope they spawn for you!

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