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Sponge Filter Question


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Hey everyone

Stupid question, but just wondering if you had a sponge filter going ie one of these


and you turned it off for a few hours a day (ie when in the lounge room trying to watch a movie!) would it be a problem? or do they need to be on 24/7 ? I want to put one in my betta tank in the lounge room to ease how many water changes I'm doing, but the noise is the problem! I could leave it on all day from 6am till about 7pm... then would want to turn it off for a bit.. if it isn't possible, i just wont get one, or consider moving the tank :-0



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There will be a debate on this. It's needs aeration. The bacteria will die. I pull apart my cannister and rinse clean and start afresh if the power goes out more then 45 minutes as it can be harmful to the tank. Not exactly sure what the time limit is before the bacteria turns to poisenous sulfuric gas though. Deadly for fish. Move the tank :) Too many stories of powerouts when people at work coming home to dead fish in stinky manky sulfuric tanks because of a powerout for a few hours and the filters have come back on. ..and I disagree with running static sponge filters in spawn tanks as it makes no sense :lol:

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I prefer not to turn off personally. Although having said that I had no choice recently in my Jebo when the motor blew in the pump. I'm running an airstone in there with no filter media (removed all that becuase it was off overnight before I knew so went all manky) and hoping the substrate is still ok. The tank has gone to hell though, so its obviously not good.

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It would be preferable to have it on 24/7. You might want to consider a different air pump to power the filter - I have 3, and the volume from each of them is very different. Furthermore, you can muffle the noise by placing the air pump on a sponge, or wrapping it up in a hand towel or something. I used to have one in my bedroom. :lol: Can you tell?

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I've turned them off before, the trick is to turn them back on. Its not TOO bad in a big expanse of water as there is enough fresh oxygenated water flowing around that it should *theoretically* last a while longer than in a cannister or HOB. Other thoughts though are putting some plastic or bubblewrap floating above the bubbles so they don't pop quite so loudly, or turning down the flow rate.

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