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A little piece of Smarg Heaven ...


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Well okay, tis more a lesson on why acrylic tanks are crappy (read damn the algae is IN the plastic - checkout the bright green areas), however, this is my girly tank full of 6 smarg gals, lily's experimental female and a couple of I-can't-remember-their-name corys.

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^ just above the arrow is a very pale smarg girly. Tis a 10 gallon tank with a UGF, a HOB, lots of pots courtesy of "Dan, The FlowerPot Man", and a non-operating sand fountain in the background.

My original birthday tank - and I love it :thumbs:

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Di, the tank looks so inviting!! I really like pot arrangement, I bet the smarags do too! I love planted tanks for the wilds, that way there is some mystery in the tanks and peering into them looking for fish is a challenge in itself!

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Apparently it wasn't inviting enough for the smarg gals - they all disappeared :( After staying up until 1am on Thirsday morning pulling apart the tank, removing every ornament and plant, even poking around on the inside of the sand fountain; of neither fin nor scale could a trace be found :( Sorry Abbey - it seems I am not the person to trust with any wild betta *sigh* Oh well I am managing to keep plakats and the babies alive (for now)

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Where did they go?? no crispy critters on the floor?

Nope. All escape points were covered with mesh since the suicide of the first smarg (male I think).

Checked the floor, even into #2 sons room.

The clean up crew (corys) are suspected of doing and excellent job (can't blame the mystery snail this time he was threatening to die so I threw him out).

My best guess is that the water change upset them and they died and the corys ate them or the corys didn't bother to wait *lol*

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