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Favourite Dry Foods


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Ocean Nutrition Koi Supreme Growth. Perfect for ALL fish and useful for grinding down for fry as well. All my fish love it.

Overall, I would say Ocean Nutrition food as a whole and Spectrum coming a very close second. Those are the only brands of food in my fishroom (bar dried black worms of course).

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I mostly use New Life Spectrum Small Fish Formula as a general everyday feed. Although only the guppies, angels and fancy splendens will eat it. The channoides won't eat it so they get frozen bloodworms. The smaragdina and mahachai also get either frozen bloodworms or live blackworms.

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Very interested in people's responses to this who feed their splenden's pellets - just started moving some of mine over. Trying Hikari Gold a the moment - the girls seem to like it and a couple of the boys prefer it, but most of the boys are still spoilt and want frozen bloodworm or shrimp...

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ahaha you people are too nice, fish at my place will starve if they don't learn to take pellets!

Pellet wise, i've only tried a couple of brands because it always takes my fish forever to get through them, but i'm definitely giving a +1 to NLS, not only does the ingredient list impress me, but it certainly appears to impress the fish as well. I use the general community one, which is admittedly a little big (i can actually hear them crunching sometimes!) and i've found its possible to condition fancy splendens on this stuff

(and i feed blackworm, frozen blood worms, white worms, what ever small insect has the misfortune to cross my path, etc, - just to prove that i don't abuse my fish that much lol)

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All of my fish are on only freeze dried blackworms at the moment because I ran out frozen foods. But I've ordered new life spectrum pellets which should be here tomorrow which will become the new staple food. I've heard a lot of people have great results with it hence my new change.

I also feed mossie larvae and these worms that also propagate in the outdoor tubs. I'm getting live blackworms soon plus probably frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp again. I also feed Grindals to smaller fish.

I'm same a as MT though, my fish learn to eat pellets or they go hungry. Up to them haha. Usually doesn't take long but unless the fish are really shy I won't just give them pellets because they'll probably be hiding and won't see them so I put live food in for them.

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