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IAL vs Black Water Extract in WA


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Hi guys,

I have had zero luck getting IAL in West Oz, every vendor I have spoken to says they will not ship to WA due to quarantine regulations (they say tassie is the same).

Now, as I can't get IAL I am wondering if black water extract is any good? I've heard mixed reviews, and that is peat based and designed for Amazonian fish. Is there any point in using it for Bettas? I'm looking for ph control and medicinal qualities...

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Have a look for Atisons Betta Spa at your LFS. It is IAL extract. Surely there is a way to get some IAL out to you, as I know some of the WA peeps use them.

Perhaps someone from WA might like to step in and help Pez out?

You can also use banana leaves the same way you use IAL. I mainly use Banana leaf tea with my bettas, as I have an endless supply of Banana leaves here.

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Hi Pez

I think Les has just recently or is about to get some IAL I will get hold of him and check out where he is at with it.I have some they are a bit old but still seem to do the trick I am not sure if they have a use by date.See how you go this week if no joy I will give you a bag of 50.I know Les uses the banana leaves as well I am not sure if instead of though.


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Looks like your already covered but I am in WA and I have been getting mine from indianalmondleaves.com.au with no problem I sure hope that hasn't changed in the last few months. I also got some of ebay before I found that shop without issue. Now I'm nervous :(

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