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Update on Sorority


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After discovering the cause of my dying plants (faulty heater cooking everything), my sorority has grown back into the jungle I intended it to be.

Here is a video I took today after a bit of a tidy up...


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Hi Jarrod

The tanks is looking great and I realy love the drift wood ( Would look great in my tank ) :giggle:. I just got some Dwarf Chain Sword. Any tips on its up keep?? and are you useing any of the Dino range on the tank??



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Hey jarrod

Thats good to hear. I got some Mini Needle Leaf Java Fern and Mini Bolbitus so I want to work them all into the same scape and if they dont need fert and lowlight is ok, then thats perfect.



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Thanks Lee. The plant you are referring to is Dwarf Chain Sword.

I have been looking for a replacement for mt failing micro sword and I jut done a quick read up on this plant, I like the look of it and it looks stunning in your tank.

Wow my typing is failing as bad as the micro sword in my tank lol.

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Thanks Sarah. That girl is one of Pauls Black Orchids that marbled out. She also has yellow in her now :D

Glad you liked the tunes...nothing beats dragging out some old 80s vinyl and cranking up the record player while doing tank maintenance.

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