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Drowning fish


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So, let's get started. Put the water in the fish tank, and put the fish in. They seem to like it that way. So far nothing out of the ordinary, right?

Next, don't put one of those oxygen pumping thingies in the fish tank. You'll notice it's not on the list of things you'll need. Why do you think pet stores sell them? Fish need them! (Also, don't put any plants in the water; they are also not on the list.)

Finally, to speed up the process, put many more fish in the tank. Try not to splash the water, and if you can, make sure the fish don't do it either. The more fish you put in the tank, the quicker they will use up the oxygen in the water. It's quite funny, because many people do this by accident. People have been drowning fish for years without even knowing it.

You'll see that after a while, the fish might actually "come up for air", which is not what most fish are designed for, and eventually they will suffocate in the water. That means they drown; I looked it up, and suffocating in the water is a good definition of drowning.

By the way, I haven't actually done this (on purpose), and I also don't encourage murdering animals, no matter how fun it might seem. This is a purely educational Rambling. Class dismissed.

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And this is why people leave the hobby ! Because of ignorant sales staff. Sales people have to remember that most people purchasing fish are inexperienced.(unless asking for specifics). So it's upto the sales staff to do their job. Consumers need help and its upto sales people to satisfy the consumers need. You dont just hand someone a bag of fish and tell them on your way. Remember to help promote our hobby, not make it hard so everyone can enjoy it.

Edited by Zui
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Not that easy when people stand there and lie to you, don't speak a word of english, or their 'friend' did it this way and it worked so they obviously know better, they did it once before and it worked for a few weeks, they don't want to spend that much money, or they've been in the hobby for 30 years and they're replacing fish every week because they can't keep them alive yet THEY STILL THINK THEY KNOW MORE THAN YOU! Did you know according to one customer you can keep Red Scats and Discus together because they're the same shape? WOWZA... Thanks for that insight. :wacko:

Oh and then there's the people who will come back after you've told them 'no (more) fish/coral' for what ever reason and get someone else to serve them. Or they go to another shop. Then come back to you in a few days and have a gigantic whinge that everything is dying.

75% of the time you can pick out the newbies who don't know their backside from their elbow and lead them in the right direction. 20% are the jackwagons listed above. The last 5% is the staff too busy during a weekend rush, too inexperienced, or too lazy to argue or explain things. That last percentage may be higher based on the quality of your LFS staff...

As an aside, most of our customers aren't newbies, newbies probably make up just under half of our customer base.

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I agree with what you are saying Yan. But when you go into some shops ( not saying the 1 you are at) and you know for a fact that they don't know what they are talking about or are lying completely I just think to myself there goes another person who is going to get frustrated and quit. There are plenty of customers out there who think they know more about this hobby than the employee and in some cases this is true but when you work in retail thats what you have to put up with. There are genuine people out there who need guidance.

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lol... I have an abundance of crystal shrimps lately so I was trying to sell them. This guy came to me and said I want some crystal shrimp in my discus tank! Coz someone on the internet says it's ok...

lol and we know how accurate the internet is...

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