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Horrific experience in LFS


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I was this afternoon in a Melbourne lfs looking around and saw two Betta splendens males who have very nice patterns.

I was asked by the youngish person serving me if it was OK if the two fish were placed in the one bag. I had to explain how I wanted both fish to be alive when I got home and was countered by the argument that aggressive African cichlids will co-habitat in a bag and that in a bag there were no territories to set up and defend.

I was left completely stunned....but I got given the fish in separate bags when I said I wanted separate bags or I did not want the fish

When are people going to learn about Bettas?

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You should have said okay prove it to. Put two bettas in a bag. No not the ones I want to buy. ones you're still trying to sell. Then once they've shredded each other a bit call it off. See the shops will only inserts and when it has a financial impact. Actually no, probably not even then. Shop at the good places. Promote them. Ignore the others.

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How terrible!

Hopefully the staff will learn - the saddest part is that costumers who don't know any better hear this stuff, and think it's all ok, as it IS there job - and they MUST know what they are talking about.

You would assume at least that they would know that Bettas do indeed fight - they aren't called Siamese Fighters for nothing.

THANKFULLY, there are those wonderful LFS out there (as few and far apart as they may be), with knowledgeable staff.

This is one of the reasons why I go the 20ish mins to Auburn Aquarium, even though there is a LFS just around the corner from me.

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OMG!!! I can't believe you just totally like poisoned the environment. You greedy consumer un-Eco friendly PIG!

TWO bags !!!

Disgusting!!! When will some people learn about the environment ! O ... M ... G!!!


Jokes aside... I kinda like the concept of attempting to use logic to still achieve a stupid conclusion! Lol

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Shop at the good places. Promote them. Ignore the others.

My two LFS that I usually deal with in Melbourne are Aqueus (St Kilda - Peter is a genius) and Coburg. They both know how to properly treat my friends (Bettas, Apistogramma, killifish). I am not saying that other LFS are not very good.

The problem is that I find myself having to occasionally do LFS crawls just to see if there is anything that I missed.

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Paul Paul Paul Tisk Tisk Tisk, but I did laugh at that chriss lilly mind set.

I am with you on this topic Bill somtimes what the FS person has to say is ammusing but somtimes it is just dam right frightning. But I must admit the tried and proven FS are the ones to promote and patron



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