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Forget Sand Castles - I made a Sand Betta!


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Went to the beach today, water was freezing (although I did go in the water after my masterpiece was complete), so I was kicking around sand, and decided to make a Betta (for something different, that and I'm not very good at sandcastles... they are seriously HARD, end up like a big lump haha).






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Thanks Les. Haha, next time I'm in the sand pit :D, I'll do a ninja for you hehe. Maybe somebody could bury me haha.

Thanks Jarrod! :D I told family that it was a Traditional HMPK Betta.. got that "fish speak" look, from both family and anybody close enough to overhear. :giggle:

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Ah, yes! I know that look well. You will learn to use it to your advantage. Usually it means they are pretending to be interested while tuning you out. When you see that glazed over look is when you strike! You can get people to agree to almost anything when in that state. They aren't listening and just agree and nod their head when there is a break in the fishspeak and they realize you are waiting for a response. *lol*

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  • 2 months later...

Went to the beach, made more Bettas, females too this time. Even made a Crested Newt (t. marmoratus). Lasted about 20mins before a couple toddlers came and decided it would be fun to sit on! Oh wells, they had fun destroying it anyway.

Oooh and I found a sea-cucumber in the rockpool!

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