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Why Did He Die?


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Plum, my new VT male from someone, died last night. The same day he was removed from his fry. :byebye:

I think I didn't acclimatize him properly. :( I was worried about not scooping the fry up.. did I murder him?? :sad:

Poor Plum. I loved him and had him for exactly one week. I feel so terrible, like I'm a bad owner. :devil:

:rip: Plum.

Has anyone ever had a male Betta die after he had looked after his fry until they were free-swimming?

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Im so sorry to hear that :alright:

Your not a bad owner it happens to everyone, but you have created more life then you have lost i try to keep that fact in my mind when i lose a fish.

I have read they can get really depressed and mopey after seperation from fry.

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Sorry to hear of your loss.

I have read that some fish are so exhausted looking after their young that they cannot continue on any further. No you never did anything wrong. I know how frustrating it is when a fish just dies for no apparent explained reason.

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Hi Sarah,

I am very sorry to hear about you poor Boy.

I have lost a very healthy and active male after removing him from his fry.

I felt that my Ct male went in to depression, not eating and gave up.

I now keep a few bubs with dad just to keeep him happy and me as well.

I have found that it seem to be the favorites that go alright.gif

Edited by jo oakley
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So sorry to hear about Plum. You hear about these things happening after spawning. Don't be so hard on yourself, just reading your posts on here shows how much you care for your fish. Hopefully he has passed his beautiful colours and butterfly pattern to some of his babies

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