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How high can bettas jump?


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Trying to work out water level, I'll need to drop it a bit as there will be a gap between the top of dividers I'm putting in and the lid due to a spray bar extending over part of first and second division. Google told me they can jump 3 inches!?!?! :o<_< What do people on here think?

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I thought my level was low enough when I first got bettas, I had a divider separating male and female. Woke up in the morning with female in the males side. Thankfully they were okay, and I ended up pulling the divider out because they seemed happier together and weren't aggressive towards each other at all. I think it's the females that are more of the jumpers than the males are. From my experience, my male never jumped at all, my females have done it before, but only when they try to get on the other side where they shouldn't be <_<

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the gaps they can jump out of can be tiny, i had a boy jump out of the triangle cut hole in his lid where the heater cables went in. Some of my girls are big jumpers too especially at feeding time they launch them selves out of the tank >.<

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i had a boy jump out of the triangle cut hole in his lid where the heater cables went in.

:giggle: i know it probably was far from funny so please excuse me :P

Bettarazzi, I've been trying really hard to make my tank pretty so not too sure about stuffing stuff in the gaps... hmph I guess I could silicon some extra bits of the mesh im using for dividers on to it... but thats gunna be kinda more annoying a process than it sounds. Have been stuffing round with it way too long now! lol what to do... :confused:

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If you want to see good jumpers get some Betta patoti.... they will find the smallest gaps and I've actually seen mine jump 15cm above the water and hit the glass lid of the tank... had a couple jump out of a gap no bigger than 0.5 cm and land on the floor... slippery damned things to pick up too!

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Oh yes, they can jump very well ... I have face washers over the cut outs in the glass corners now after the last escape :unsure:.

On Friday, I was giving the first of the days feeds to my giant baby girls' tank (not so little any more I might add). I had the can of dried worms in one hand when one of the girls launched herself through the air :eek:.

I caught her in the crook of my arm (still in my dressing gown with lots of soft polar fleece). My Mum cracked up laughing to see me covered in little grey strings (dried black worm), a fish sliding and wriggling down in to my dressing gown pocket and me yelling very rude expletives as I tried to catch the bloody thing :scold:.

Cost me half a tub of worms but the fish never hit the ground and still had the nerve to go nuts over the ten pieces of food that actually fell into the tank :headshake:.


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I've actually seen mine jump 15cm above the water and hit the glass lid of the tank...

Trying to give him/herself a concussion? lol oh my, they're little Houdini's!

Delyall good idea... only a bit late :blush: I'm having one of those "now why didn't i think of that" moments :P so the thing is going to be, will i give myself another wild goose chase and re-do the dividers or leave it and if worst happens deal with it then.... ? i was thinking about your tank as same design (though i made some adjustments as my tank is a tinsy bit big). looked at the pic of your tank again and there looks to be a gap. Problems? though i guess it would vary fish to fish?

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@bec I lol'd, Thatd be a sight to see :P

@fishish I did have problems with the gap between the divider and the lid :blush: Most of the time, all was fine, but there were 2-3 times I had a lil' houdini who jumped like an Olympian :blush: Now I have dividers that go straight up to the lid, leaving no gaps :)

Though my giant did manage to jump out of the tank somehow the other day.. still clueless as to how, unless he had the strength to lift the plastic-lid over the tank :blink:

So just keep in mind, theyre determined lil' guys and if theres a way out, theyll find it :P

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@Neffy yeah I realised I might have sounded a bit careless about it but didn't mean it quite so bluntly. Just been doing a huge amount of stuffing around with this tank, one oops after another lol. All a learning experience for a first tank of course but its starting to get annoying, im becoming impatient *I WANT FISH NOW!* :P and I'm a full time student so super busy.

Sounds like I'll most certainly run into trouble if I don't re-do the dividers so I will. Thanks everyone for your responses, very good to know :)

@Delyall, problem is... err the design of the tank I guess, even if the mesh goes all the way up theres a bit of glass that the lid sits on inside the tank which means that there is no way I can have it 100% gap free that way. Gap will be small but it sounds lilke that still might be risky <_<

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