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I can't believe what I just did


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I went to the melbourne fish fair today intending to buy a 50 or 25w heater and maybe some plants and a worm culture and I came home with... wait for it. 3 albino longfin bristlenose, 3 albino bristlenose and 2 snails (I was going to buy the golden something fish too, I was so tempted). Not to mention I have order another 5 peppermint bristlenoses from a breeder... Well right now I'm just in a state shock and gooogling albino bristlenose catfish as I type. Anyone have any good sites or tips on how to keep and maybe breed them?

The most important question is how do you guys stop yourself buying so many pretties when you go to somewhere like this... :confused:

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But there were plenty of peppermints there, how come you didn't just get them straight away? When Jo and I were talking to one of the breeders, Eddie Tootell, about peppermints, he said that they tended to be quite weak when they were really little. If yours are small then keep them in a tank on their own for a little while until you can put some size on them. Otherwise they can't compete for food with the other fish.

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lol, I ordered them before the fish fair from someone on the boronia aquarium forum, I really didn't intend to buy fish at the fish fair.... But the key word is "intend". The ones that I've ordered is $10 each fish when I purchase 5. They're about 3 or 4 cm long so I don't think they're too small, that's the size of my common bristlenose when I got it. I think I will put them in their own little tank, in fact I'm cycling the tank now... now I don't know where I'm going to put my newly purchase albinos...

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Ha ha ... I took no cash and still managed (found a nearby ATM :whistling: ) to come back with:

3 long tail marble bristlenose (they are soooo cute ... with you on that Joan) :drool:

5 veil tail angel fish (never had those before)

4 mystery snails

tonnes of plants


The BIGGEST black moore I ever seen for only $25 :bighug:

Sigh ... kids just shake their heads :headshake:


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Hahaha, it doesnt help when you have someone saying "get it, get it, get it!" I think you will be happy with your new fishies, they are very nice. Wouldnt the albino bristlenose be the same as the ordinary ones as far as care goes?

I am happy with my new fishies - Endlers, 1 mystery snail, 3 Bolivian rams, 3 Gold severum, 2 Panda corys and 2 Metae corys and some plants.

Some of those goldfish were massive! I wouldnt have minded some but I dont have a coldwater set up (thank goodness!) :giggle:

Dont worry Joan, I will buy some baby longfin BN's :) Was a fun day :cheer:


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lol... I'm falling in love with them already. They're gorgeous one of the long fin ones is sucking on the glass right in front of them, s/he not even shy at all. As for breeding them right now it's a waiting game. I have to wait for them to grow up and learn to sex them...

I have two questions:

1) Does anyone if female have little spikes on their lip too or just males? Coz a few of the albinos I can see little spikes so I don't know if s/he is growing to have big spikes like a big male or staying that size for being a female.

2) Can I use flower pots as breeding caves? I told my grandfather that I needed a breeding cave, and I gestured that it could be half of a flower pot and he actually went and cut a flower pot into two half right now the middle!!! It's amazing so i'm just wondering it is possible to use it (no metals, or toxic chemicals etc?)

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do young males have really small bristles as well ? what size would the fish be before you where sure it wasnt going to grow any ? all mine have like the tinyest of spikes to none so i think they are females.

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@ Killiguy - http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10181

I think it is only held in July, and they have the auctions in April and October, but dont qoute me on that...

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That's right wot she said! ^

The fair is run by the combined clubs of EDAS, Aquarium Society of Vic, Vic Cichlid Society and ANGFA. Essentially it allows people to sell stuff in a different format to an auction. I've been both seller and buyer and I actually really prefer the fairs to the auctions. As a seller you're not paying as much commission, just a flat fee of $25.

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  • 1 month later...

Often my dad helps me. I was in a LFS last week (going to get some females) and the females were good, yet I saw 3 white opaques (IN A LFS). One was so pure, except for an orange spot on the caudal.

There was an orange dalmatian, beautiful steel blues, etc, etc. Now, I could only get a couple of females and had been waiting for the new shipment to come in. Yet, I HAD to have like 10 of those (could ONLY get two). Anyway, my dad goes "you came for the females, and the males are nice, just get the girls and we can go.' Nicely of coarse he said that. I knew he was right yet... I loved the males. I ended up getting the girls, left the males to find (hopefully) good homes. I'm sure any human on earth would have snatched them up in a heartbeat..

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