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Daphnia.....Photos, close-ups, new pics!


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Hi all :wub:

I have been trying to get some photos of my daphnia since my current betta spawn was hatched...but the photos always came out blurry :)

so a few days ago I tried again, in the most uncomfortable and certainly impossible position -leaning over my wide tank-desk partially leaning on the daphnia tank to take photos of the daphnia that i have on the window sill in a kritter keeper. :)

but, I got the best shots I think any one could get with the camera I have. certainly any slight blurring would be due to the damn-slow shutter speed of my camera and the constant jumping of the daphnia... but the quality of the photography is for you to decide...what do you think?

any way, enjoy the photos :)

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sorry if this is in the wrong section...if it is, im ok with it being moved...

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Very impressive... now show me a life-sized daphnia.


Ha ha ha :blink:;)

Well, to show you how big a Daphnia really is, I had to minimise the daphnia in the 3rd photo in my last post.

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Daphnia rarely get larger than that, and most are usually half that size ;)

But you can still see the detail in life-sized daphnia, minimising the large photo melted all the features :goodo:

I hope that answers your question Bren? They are extemely tiny :) I'm not sure but maybe a google search will help, thats what I'm about to do, Catchya

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