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Tips on improving my guppy tank?


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I am thinking of making it a community tank soon, just want a vast array of colour to wake up to every morning (tank is right next to my bed)

At the moment, its about 2 ft long, I think it hold approx. 65L. All my female guppies are out of the main tank atm due to them constantly giving birth (got sick of fishing for the babies!)

Plants are plastic - I cant keep regular plants alive, so I dont like my chances with underwater plants, plus I dont want more mess and gunk in my tank for me to clean.

Just think my tank is missing something atm, any suggestions?

(Please ignore poor varnishing work - got my yougner sister to do it. Yeah, dont send anyone else to do a job you should do yourself! Also tank is not full due to taking water in and out from guppy breeding)


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I just put an air curtain in my tank, and god it looks good! thought it'd look tacky but it doesnt. And i have an air adjuster so i can have the bubbles pressure lower or harder.

Apart from that, make the fish the feature- if you keep the tank plainer (maybe a few big rocks/pebbles in the corners here or there) then the fish stand out.

Dont forget to post photos when youve done it :)

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I had air curtains too but they were cheap and the caps fell off them and rendered them useless. If you get one, get a decent quality one. lol

My advice would be, go natural! :) Honestly, live plants are easy as long as you go for the easy plants! Java fern, Ambulia, Green Rotala and Banana Lily are all doing fantastic under one light, no C02, no fertilizer, etc.

If you're still against live plants, I'd try toning down the colours in the tank. Dark or natural gravel, non-fluro/bright coloured plants. Add some smaller fern-ish plants near the front and put the taller plants up back. Let the fish be the feature, not the bright plants. :) By the way, totally jealous of your ship wreak. :) lol

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awesome on the baby guppies...hope mumma doesn't go all cannibal on you...more fish is always better!

I have to agree though, real plants look better. Keeping hardy plants is not that hard, and helps maintain a healthy aquarium, reducing waste products and neutralising nitrogen compounds.

From an aquascaping point of view... the tall plants should be nestled behind/around the back corners of the feature (ship wreck). Smaller plants should be in the fore-ground. I'd go for plants less than 4 or 5 cm tall in the foreground. aim to get a V shape in the structure of the tank layout. This will draw your eye's attention to the centre of the tank, and highlight the fish. I'd personally avoid bright coloured substrate..go for sandy or natural coloured sand/grit. This will make the tank have a "realistic" look and natural appeal, while reflecting light and highlighting the colour of your fish.

Hope I don't sound pushy, and that the spelling is correct...too many Jagerbombs at the local tonight!!!! Woo hoo!!!!

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